VIETNAM UNION OF FRIENDSHIP ORGANIZATIONS PEOPLE’S AID COORDINATING COMMITEE Guidance Procedure for organization of international conferences and seminars by foreign NGOs Final/Nov. 2013
Decision No.76/2010/QD-TTg dated November 30, 2010 by the Prime Minister on organization and management of international conferences and seminars in Vietnam. Legal Basis Final/Nov. 2013
Subjects of application Conferences and seminars which are attended, sponsored, or organized by foreign NGOs and are held directly on the territory of Vietnam or held online with at least one end being on the territory of Vietnam. International press conferences are not governed by this Decision Final/Nov. 2013
Authority for approval Level of competenceObjects of Approval Prime MinisterInternational conferences and seminars sponsored and/or organized by foreign NGOs on matters related to politics, security, national defense, ethnic groups, religious issues, human rights, border and state territory Committee for foreign NGOs Affairs (COMINGO) International conferences and seminars sponsored and/or organized by foreign NGOs that are not under Prime Minister’s approving authority Final/Nov. 2013
Organization Procedure Step 1: Before organizing any international conference or seminar, INGOs have to submit a proposal (enclosed with an organization plan) to COMINGO at least 20 days before the tentative date of the conference or seminar The plan to organize the conference or seminar should clearly state : - Host organization, reasons for and purposes of the conference or seminar; Final/Nov. 2013
Organization Procedure - Time and venue of the conference or seminar; places for visit or survey (if any); - Form and technology of organization (for an online conference or seminar); - Working agenda and activities on the sidelines of the conference or seminar; - Organizers: Vietnamese and foreign agencies and sponsors (if any); - Participants: Number and sector of participants, including Vietnamese and foreign ones. Final/Nov. 2013
Organization Procedure (cont) Step 2: - COMINGO issues a decision on organization of such conference or seminar Final/Nov. 2013
Organization Procedure (cont) Step 3: - INGO organizes the conference or seminar with agenda and plan as approved. - INGO submits to a competent authority a brief report on results of the conference or seminar within 15 days after its closing. Final/Nov. 2013