E UROPEAN U NION Supporting peace and security world-wide E UROPEAN U NION Supporting peace and security world-wide
State A State B Peacekeeping force + observers Deployment only after truce Observes agreements and limitations of armed forces Reports incidents Makes inspections Keeps contact with both parties Negotiates with both parties Use of force only for self protection Functioning society in both states Police and armed forces functioning No major refugee problem Separating zone ”Traditional” peacekeeping
State A Ethnic Border Refugeecamp Final Situation Unclear Final Situation Unclear Multiple competing Rivalries Multiple competing Rivalries Structures of society collapsed Structures of society collapsed Major humanitarian crisis Major humanitarian crisis Ethnic hatred Ethnic hatred Refugee and IDP problem Refugee and IDP problem Neigboring States Interest Neigboring States Interest Many relief organisations Many relief organisations Multinational forces Multinational forces Physical threat to the force and civilian actors Physical threat to the force and civilian actors Refugeecamp IDPs Peacekeeping force + observers Observes and implements agreement with force if necessary Use of force strictly regulated Takes part in forcing Rule of Law (together with the police) Involved in humanitarian activities Keeps contact with all the parties and organistions (GOs, NGOs, etc) Ethnic enclave ”New” Crisis Management
No longer purely military operationsNo longer purely military operations In the field hundreds of international actorsIn the field hundreds of international actors Multiple tasks (f.ex. CIMIC)Multiple tasks (f.ex. CIMIC) No clear division of tasks between different actors, pure coordinationNo clear division of tasks between different actors, pure coordination Military engaged in humanitarian and reconstruction effortsMilitary engaged in humanitarian and reconstruction efforts CHANGED ENVIRONMENT
“Strategic” role of an individual soldier - Why are we here?“Strategic” role of an individual soldier - Why are we here? Utmost importance of trainingUtmost importance of training Multinational and -ethnical forcesMultinational and -ethnical forces Local culture and religion must be respected – crisis management Force is not conquering or occupying forceLocal culture and religion must be respected – crisis management Force is not conquering or occupying force Ever-changing Crisis Management OperationsEver-changing Crisis Management Operations Terrorism and religious fundamentalismTerrorism and religious fundamentalism Mandate, Rules of EngagementMandate, Rules of Engagement DIFFERENT CULTURES AND RELIGIONS - CHALLENGE FOR MILITARY CRISIS
E UROPEAN U NION Supporting peace and security world-wide E UROPEAN U NION Supporting peace and security world-wide