PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure1 PACS FPFPU Thermal and Structure Analysis Dr. G. Wanderer CASE GmbH
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure2 FPFPU Housing: Thermal and Structure Analysis Thermal Model Thermal Analysis FE-Model Eigenfrequencies / Eigenmodes Sine- and Random Response
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure3
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure4 Spectrometer Operation
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure5 Photometer Operation
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure6 PACS Cool-Down
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure7 PACS Photometer Recycling (120 min. average dissipation)
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure8 PACS Photometer Recycling (10 min. peak dissipation)
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure9 PACS Photometer Recycling (10 min. peak dissipation)
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure10 FE-Model FE-Model for NASTRAN V70.7 Approx Nodes each part of FPU-housing is separat model structural connection by RBE2 or CELAS at bolt positions (coupling only displacements) Plate element used for large surfaces additional volume elements at stiffened regions
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure11
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure12
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure13
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure14 Eigenfrequencies and Effective Masses of current design
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure15
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure16
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure17 Response Analysis Damping for response analysis: 2% structural (Q=50) Sine Vibration Level (Qual.): Longitudinal (Z in FEM) Hz: 20g, Hz 10 g Lateral (XY in FEM) Hz: 14 g Random Vibration Level (Qual.): Hz +6 db/Oct Hz 0,05g 2 /Hz Hz -6 db/Oct
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure18 Response at Chopper, Sine X, 1g Response in XResponse in Y
PACS IIDR 01/02 Mar 2001 PACS Thermal/Structure19 Response at Chopper, Random Qualification X Response in XResponse in Y