WELCOME TO Ms. Yung’s 6th Grade Math Class
50% Tests 25% Mini-Quizzes 25% Minor Grades (Homework/Classwork) Retests are available for grades lower than a 70% Highest grade earned on a retest is a 70% Retakes must take place within 1 week. Student is required to do corrections and come to tutoring before retaking a test. Only 1 retake is permitted per assessment. Note: If your student is in need of retaking more than 1 assessment per semester, it is likely that they are misplaced in their math class and I will be contacting the parents about moving them to an appropriate class.
Late Work Penalty 1 day late: 20 points off Every day after that: 5 points If a student is absent: It is their responsibility to get the work that was missed. He/she will have one day plus the number of days they were gone to turn in the makeup work. If your student is out for more than 2 days, I suggest you contact me so I can leave their work in the parent center for pick up. If they miss an assessment, they will be expected to take it when all their makeup work is due.
Encourage your student to use a planner to stay organized and on top of assignments/assessments Provide a quiet place to study/do homework each afternoon after school (during snack time?) Check Home Access- grades and missing work information is displayed Help make sure your student is fluent with their Math Facts – multiplication is the most important! Check out my website daily for assignments and notes!! Sharp School WebsiteSharp School Website
We cover 3 years of material in 2 years. They will start Algebra in 8 th grade. 69% of SAT is on 8 th grade math concepts, which will not be reviewed in high school. Designed for students who have a good foundation in math, understands new concepts quickly, and does not need a whole lot of repetitive practice. If your child cannot maintain an 80% test average, they may not be in the appropriate math class. We learn a new concept almost every day. (ex. In On-level Math, we have 14 days for Adding & Subtracting Fractions, but Accel must cover Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions in 14 days.)