Theoretical Framework Do you have a theoretical framework to guide your research?
What is a theoretical framework? It is a guiding theory or combination of theories that aid in giving direction to the study. The theoretical framework is seen throughout the study, grounding it, framing it, giving it direction, and bringing it to closure.
Can’t Find a Guiding Theory? If a specific theory cannot be found, then the theoretical framework may be offered as a review of the literature itself.
the theoretical framework is also noted as a conceptual framework A conceptual framework explains, either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studied- the key factors, constructs or variables-and the presumed relationship among them.
Major positions (traditions) in Research Methods Positivist Interpretive Critical Postmodern Which method is a foundation to qualitative research?
Theoretical underpinnings of Qualitative Research The theoretical orientation is similar to the term paradigm A paradigm is a loose collection of logically related assumptions, concepts, or propositions that oriented thinking and research. It describes a way of looking at the world, the assumptions people have about what is important and what makes the world work
All research is guided by some theoretical orientation. Most qualitative researchers reflect some sort of phenomenological perspective
What is the Phenomenological approach? Researchers in the phenomenological mode attempt to understand the meaning of events and interactions to ordinary people in particular situations..
Phenomenological inquiry begins with silence.
Phenomenologists emphasize the subjective aspects of people's behavior.
What is the (potential) issue with this approach? Approaching people with the goal of trying to understand their point of view, may distort the informants experience. What are ways to reduce the likelihood we will influence participants experiences and behavior?
Are qualitative researchers’ radical idealists? They seem to believe that reality comes to be understood to human beings only in the form in which it is perceived.
What behavior can we record? Most qualitative researchers believe there are people out there in the world who say and do things that the qualitative researcher can record. Further, they believe that the qualitative research tradition produces an interpretation of reality that is useful in understanding the human condition.
More Theoretical Framework Symbolic interaction the assumption is that human experience is mediated by interpretation. Objects, people, situations, and events do not possess their own meaning; rather, meaning is conferred on them.
The meaning people give to their experience and their process of interpretation are essential and constitutive, not accidental or secondary to what the experience is
Resistentialism (ri-zis-TEN-shul-iz-um): The theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior against us. Examples: Photocopy machine breaking Disappearing cell phones Breaking shoestrings Cars running inconsistently
Are human beings actively engaged in creating the world? The interaction part of the theory: Individuals interpret with the help of others, and through this interaction, the individual constructs meaning. What are shared perspectives and shared definitions?
Are there multiple realities? Symbolic interaction becomes the conceptual paradigm. Other variables that may influence behavior are relevant only to the degree that they enter in and affect the defining process. The theory does not deny that there are rules and regulations, norms, and belief systems and society. It does suggest that they are important in understanding the behavior only if, and how, people take them into account.
Ethnography The attempt to describe culture or aspects of culture is called ethnography. Is he acquired knowledge people used to interpret experience and generate behavior. It teaches us how to behave appropriately in a particular cultural setting. Clearly, there is an interaction between culture and the meanings people attribute to them.
Culture is what enables people to act together. The ethnographer’s goals are to share in the meanings that the cultural participants take for granted and then to depict the new understanding for the reader and for outsiders. The ethnographer is concerned with representations. What is shared understanding and shared meaning?
Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology refers to the study of how people create and understand their daily lives- their method of a cop wishing everyday life. Ethnomethodologists try to understand how people go about seeing, explaining, and describing order in the world in which they live.
How the theoretical framework is used for initial or preliminary understanding and guidance for serving as a basis for validation of the theory itself via the data collected and analyzed for guiding the research throughout the study and explication of the data
How to determine your theoretical framework; answer the following questions. What are key terms that come up over and over in your readings (readings of journals, books, and dissertations)? What are dispositions that support your topic? What are theories that have been developed about your topic by others? Are there diversity issues related to your topic as a basis for the theory?
Let’s Practice Micropolitical Behavior of Second Graders: A Qualitative Study of Student Resistance in the Classroom by Angela Spaulding Micropolitical Behavior of Second Graders: A Qualitative Study of Student Resistance in the Classroom Groups to use questions (previous slide) to identify a theoretical framework for study
Can’s find a theory? After answering these questions you should be able to determine whether your review of literature will need to serve as the theoretical framework, because sometimes there is no specific theory that is directly related to the topic of study.