TSG-S OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) Ad-Hoc Report Richard Robinson Chair - 3GPP2 TSG-S SC B
Page 1 SC B Contents Background & Assignment from SC in January 2003 Communication with OMA Technical Plenary Centralized Management via PMT Measures of Success
Page 2 SC B Background and SC Assignment Ref. SC R1, Section 13.1 – It was concluded that: 3GPP2 is still lacking in information regarding the current and proposed activities of the OMA, 3GPP2 might wish to engage in informal discussions with OMA representatives in an effort to gain awareness. All TSGs should feel free to communicate with the OMA regarding gathering required information TSG-S will serve as a focal point for gathering OMA-related information and developing 3GPP2 needs. All efforts aimed at developing a potential relationship between 3GPP2 and the OMA are to be undertaken either by the Steering Committee or by the Organizational Partners, as appropriate. OMA Proposed Framework 3GPP2 SC OP OMA BoD Liaison Committee TSG-S PMT OMA Tech. Plenary 3GPP2 Needs
Page 3 SC B Background – OMA Ad-Hoc Conclusions April meeting with all TSG representatives and May meeting: u Prefer to operate within and establish plain language, non-binding working guidelines – Within the spirit of the SC assignment Establishments of guidelines is not a decision for specific work items but the establishment of procedures in case specific work items are identified 3GPP2 will need to establish document reference procedure similar to that existing with 3GPP today u Consensus that the formal Framework proposal from OMA is inappropriate for the current working relationship TSG-S PMT OMA Tech. Plenary 3GPP2 Needs
Page 4 SC B SC Action Recommendations Based on OMA Ad-Hoc review to date, TSG-S asks the SC to be directed to develop the following (as detailed on the following slides): u Develop procedures to establish open communications between 3GPP2 and OMA u Develop procedures for centralized management of the process internally within 3GPP2 Additionally, TSG-S asks the SC for approval to implement these processes on a single item, to be selected by the TSG-S PMT, for the specific purpose of the review and fine tuning these processes and internal procedures (i.e, test case).
Page 5 SC B Goal of Relationship = Open, 2-Way Communication Process Purpose/Objective (Strategy) u Periodic exchange of information concerning workplans to obtain a better understanding of the other’s activities u On a case-by-case basis: Identify potential items of shared, overlapped or duplicate work, Identify potential level of work coordination for, and Define conditions and procedures in a potential agreement on use of other’s work u Manage coordination activities including joint meetings (OMA, 3GPP2, and sometimes 3GPP) u Confirmation of deliverables and scope of use of other’s work Levels of Communication u JEMs/Workshops meetings with applicable OMA groups as needed. u TSG-S and TSG-S PMT have direct liaison with OMA Technical Plenary and OMA subgroups for the purpose of implementing a centralized process management function on behalf of 3GPP2. u All other TSGs have authorization for liaison communications with OMA groups for the purpose of resolution of technical issues in the definition, development, and confirmation phases of the shared/owned work efforts u Guests and observers at the other’s meetings Potential Shared, Overlapped or Duplicate Work Items u Definition of work item that 3GPP2 should do itself or that can be entrusted to OMA u Definition of application/service requirements u Development of application/service
Page 6 SC B Centralized Management – TSG-S PMT Responsibilities: u Assessment of current work items and identification of possibility and necessity of cooperation with OMA associated with each work item. u Assessment of possibility for future use of work items already in process in OMA. u Definition of work projects that can be entrusted to OMA. Actual definition of scope of work must be done in conjunction with 3GPP2 technical experts and TSGs. u Monitor and report status of work projects done by 3GPP2 and by OMA including identification of critical path activities and projection of schedule for final deliverables. Process: u Joint meetings with 3GPP2 internal groups. u Monthly status reports to all TSGs, SC Chair, and 3GPP2 Secretariat. u Direct correspondence for project alarms (direct action required, e.g., schedule slippage, requirement issues).
Page 7 SC B Factors for Success Pending approval by SC/OP, S-PMT would develop the rules/guidelines Relationship is based on a “plain language” working agreement, not a binding contract. Active participation of 3GPP2 membership in OMA and in 3GPP2/OMA Liaison roles is crucial. Promote 3GPP2 member activity in OMA and determining WI’s, reviewing work being done and providing inputs Start slow: u Pick a few work items that can be fully defined, distinguished between 3GPP2 and OMA, Agree on case-by-case basis, Monitored closely during the development effort by OMA, fully validated after completion, and then considered as a working model for future work entrusted to OMA. PMT must provide formal review of status and impact of relationship to the SC: u After 6 months u After one (1) year.