Its all about acronyms CAD, CAM, CIM, JIT, EPOS, QRM, FMS, MPS, , JPEG, MEG, TV, WC, INACOT Any guesses? You DON’T need to know these: JPEG, MEG, TV, WC, INACOT
Circuit construction Why use computers? Why use computers? What advantages are there? What advantages are there? What (if any) are the disadvantages? What (if any) are the disadvantages?
Draw out your own chart showing how the strands all link together.
It’s a video Watch the video: Watch the video: CAD. CAM. Quality control CAD. CAM. Quality control tml tml tml tml
In practice Imagine you are the manufacturer of TV’s A design has just been given to you to make Give advantages and disadvantages of using modern manufacturing methods to make the TV’s