IMMIGRATION The Missing Link Chapter 18. Increasing Immigration  Since WWII we have seen an upward trend of people crossing international borders  Most.


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Presentation transcript:

IMMIGRATION The Missing Link Chapter 18

Increasing Immigration  Since WWII we have seen an upward trend of people crossing international borders  Most of the people are leaving developing countries and entering developed countries  People are leaving Asia, Latin America, and Africa and  People are entering the U.S and Western Europe

Actual Immigration  Despite the fact that immigration has seen increases between we much higher

Missing Link  The flow of people is the missing link in modern globalization  Lump of labor fallacy: this mistake is that there is a fixed number of jobs and if foreigners take them there will be less for natives

What actually happens  The arrival of new immigrants shift the supply curve out  The number of people in jobs will rise and wages will be lowered in the short run  Long Run: labor demand curve shifts out, wages start to rise again

Assimilation Hypothesis  Immigrants start out making less than natives but eventually catch up  Second generation children of immigrants make it harder to tell the difference between natives and immigrants in the labor market

Culture  Immigrants have a diverse impact on society and culture  They increase the diversity of certain tastes and preferences  They bring different music, art, fashion etc…  Immigrants play an increasing role in advanced economies

Cost-Benefit Analysis  Overall people benefit from immigrants entering their culture  Through culture and the economy

Immigration  This Power Point presentation was set up for module 8 and is a review of a chapter in a book called Sex, Drugs & Economics by Diane Coyle