Batman Da na na na BATMAN! The Dark Knight Slide 1: Business name, logo, slogan
Mission Statement and Ethical Code Mission: To protect all people of Gotham City. Ethical code: A batman does not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. Service: the ultimate sacrifice for all Gothamites.
Business Strategies Fills the role of protector of Gotham Government Regulations – help batman catch bad guys and they always have his back in danger.
Social Responsibilities Competition: Robin 1 st - Every Friday, Robin host a benefit banquet for children suffering from broken arms. 2 nd - Every Robin is required to coach a little league team in the summer 3 rd - All stolen goods if not claimed, go toward helping to feed the homeless. Don’t forget the Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Social Responsibility Cont. Batman – 1 st – All bad guys caught will pick up trash on the side of the road forever. 2 nd – batman will sponsor a 5k to raise money for cancer research 3 rd – Every Friday, batman will go speak to grade school children to spread awareness about being a good person and doing the right thing. Don’t forget the Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Management Structure Structure ▫Owner Batman ▫2 managers ▫3 assistant managers ▫8 part time employees Type of Business ▫Non-profit (he gots plenty of monies)
Advertising (How are you advertising) What specials do you offer? When? And Why? The Bat Signal
Target Market Men and women citizens of Gotham City, ages 5 to 100, low to high income level, interested in being rescued from criminals and having a safe place to live.
Pricing for Products and Services(Budget) Batman t-shirt - $200 Batman sweatshirt - $300 Taking down 1 bad guy- $20 Taking down 2+ bad guys - $40 for first 3, each additional bad guy $20. 2 for 1 deal every Monday (2 bad guys for the price of one)