THE AMERICAN DREAM How do you define the American Dream?
O BJECTIVES : Define the American Dream. Identity, define, and discuss the themes prevalent in the novel. Analyze how each character encompasses and impacts the themes of the novel. Identify and discuss how one central theme represents the rest of the themes. Compare and contrast the concept of the American Dream.
W HAT IS THE A MERICAN D REAM ? Phrase coined to discuss how citizens of every rank felt that they can achieve a "better, richer, and happier life.“ Democratic ideas mean that the American people can achieve prosperity through hard work. An idea that has made the United States an attractive destination for many immigrants.
F. S COTT F ITZGERALD The wave of wealth and prosperity in the American 1920s led to a widespread criticism of materialism and consumption by many Modern authors, notably by Fitzgerald in his novel The Great Gatsby.
F. S COTT F ITZGERALD The Great Gatsby questions the American obsession with wealth. Points out many of the flaws inherent in an idea of “success” built around wealth. Implies that the American Dream might be dying – the positive aspects of the Dream might be being forgotten in favor of material wealth.