1 Electron Density Processing Chain: Presentation, Production Status LPCE/CNRS February 2007 Alban Rochel, Pierrette Décréau, Jean-Louis Rauch, Jean-Gabriel Trotignon, Xavier Vallières
2 Outline Density Extraction Methods Magnetosheath Solar Wind Plasmasphere Other Presentation of the Processing Chain Decomposition into Plasma Regimes Production of Plasma Frequency Files Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Conversion into Density Archive Files Delivery Schedule
3 Outline Density Extraction Methods Magnetosheath Solar Wind Plasmasphere Other Presentation of the Processing Chain Decomposition into Plasma Regimes Production of Plasma Frequency Files Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Conversion into Density Archive Files Delivery Schedule
4 Density Extraction Methods: Magnetosheath Active spectra: resonances Natural spectra: Recalibration of potential between each pair of successive active resonances Search for low cutoff in a search band around the recalibrated potential
5 Density Extraction Methods: Solar Wind Free solar wind: same as magnetosheath Connected solar wind: Extraction of the active resonances Recalibration of the potential between each pair of successive active resonances
6 Density Extraction Methods: Plasmasphere Maximum of the smoothed active spectra active spectrum filtered spectrum f ce fpfp fqfq
7 Density Extraction Methods: Plasmasphere Black: max of filtered spectra Green: selected keys Actlev / Natlev > 5 no concurrent max in the filtered spectrum Red: search band based on recalibrated EFW potential Orange: re-selected keys
8 Density Extraction Methods: Plasmasphere
9 Uncertainty: Half-width of the smoothed spectrum peak (points are removed during the validation process if they appear too uncertain). No quality field (no relevant quality measurement found)
10 Density Extraction Methods: Others Manually, using various tools
11 Outline Density Extraction Methods Magnetosheath Solar Wind Plasmasphere Other Presentation of the Processing Chain Decomposition into Plasma Regimes Production of Plasma Frequency Files Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Conversion into Density Archive Files Delivery Schedule
12 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes The plasma frequency (fp) determination algorithms depend on the plasma regime. Practically, we split the time-line into « regions » that correspond to various algorithms. This process is done manually, based on Active and Natural spectrograms Predicted events (PET files) EFW potential FGM-based fce and fce variance
13 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes 10 days-spectrogram 24h-spectrogram Regions according to PET Hand-determined Regions EFW potential FGM fce FGM fce variance
14 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes Regions Whi binary data PET files EFW cef/cdf FGM cef/cdf Regions files For 1 satellite, for 1 Planning Period 1/day/SC For update/correction Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output
15 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes Sample region file: regions/SC1/ txt
16 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Production of Plasma Frequency Files Based on decomposition into regions: One file automatically produced for each event Magnetosheath, free solar wind: Extraction of active resonances Extraction on natural low cutoffs based on actives+potential Connected solar wind: Extraction of active resonances Recalibration of potential on actives Plasmasphere: Max of smoothed active spectra + selection based on potential and active/natural ratio Other regions: No method is reliable enough and generic enough Manually, during the validation process
17 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Production of Plasma Frequency Files Production Whi binary data Automatic Fp file Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output Region files Config file: -Time range - Region types 1/day/SC/region
18 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Production of Plasma Frequency Files Sample automatically-produced fp file: magnetosheath/ _4_00:00:02:057_10:33:57:492.txt Various fields: Time, fp, uncertainty, quality, type of spectrum + additional fields depending of the method used
19 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Interactive validation: Correction/removal of wrong active reference points Recomputation on time ranges for natural spectra, recalibrating EFW or extracting the low cutoff Manual determination of active key points, manual choice of applied algorithm (mainly for tail and cusp).
20 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Active spectro Nat. spectro Algo selection Quality field Potential fitFilter on quality Automatic fp Recalibrated potential
21 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files ValFP Whi binary data Automatic Fp Or Validated Fp Or Density Archive Validated Fp For 1 satellite, for 1 day 1/day/SC Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output EFW cef/cdf
22 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Sample validated fp file: _&_15:55:52:288_23:34:49:152.txt Various fields: Time, fp, uncertainty, quality, type of spectrum, use of potential, type of validation, algorithm identifier
23 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Conversion into Density Archive Files The conversion is automatic, updating the already existing archives: Simple data merge if the time stamps do not conflict Use of the data of best quality/produced with the most reliable algorithm where the time sets intersect.
24 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Conversion into Density Archive Files FpToCef Validated fp Density Archive V(x+1) Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output Active and Natural Archives Density Archive Vx
25 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Conversion into Density Archive Files Sample archive file: C1_CP_WHI_ELECTRON_DENSITY__ _V03.cef
26 Outline Density Extraction Methods Magnetosheath Solar Wind Plasmasphere Other Presentation of the Processing Chain Decomposition into Plasma Regimes Production of Plasma Frequency Files Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Conversion into Density Archive Files Delivery Schedule
27 Delivery Schedule Product MSheath 2006-Jun Sep May Oct Jan-01 SWind 2006-Sep-30 Cusp/ Lobes 2006-Dec Jan-31 PSphere Tail Case-by-case basis