DBM status and path to the prototype D. Giugni / INFN Milano D. Giugni nSQP meeting
Top level schematics –Signals- D. GiugninSQP meeting
Top level schematics –Power D. GiugninSQP meeting
PP0 Interfaces D. GiugninSQP meeting eCooling Pipe 2 PP0 Signal Board 4 PP0 Power Board 4 Power bundles 2 Signal bundles
PP0 interfaces (C4 hidden) D. GiugninSQP meeting Cooling Fittings
D. GiugninSQP meeting Cooling Fittings
D. GiugninSQP meeting Power bundles 2 Signal bundles Penetration for the 4 Power bundles AXON conn. Penetration for the 4 Power bundles IBL Conn Board
Assembly sequence Not enough time here to go through the complex assembly sequence.... but it is there and the design has been workout (also modified since last meeting) to make the assembling process working D. GiugninSQP meeting
Path to the prototype (1) DBM Wires definition –Almost there. Still to define the insulation for the AWG 22 CCA (LV) and the colour. –MWS PO being to sent out as soon the above issues are defined. –Planned to buy wires for 10 bundles that includes prototypes, tests and the two deliverables Schematics. –Top level schematic is available: ATL-IP-ES-0184 –Boards schematics are available : ATL-IP-ES-0183 –AXON Connector pinout is missing!!! D. GiugninSQP meeting
Path to the prototype (2) Engineering and assembly sequence are now coherent. –Electrical interfaces (connectors to the DBM telescopes and to the IBL optobox) are defined. –Cooling interfaces (fittings) are defined –Routing and space checks are ok D. GiugninSQP meeting
Path to the prototype (3) nSQP-DBM-IBL meeting being setup. –Looks like Wed is the right date if SLAC people are available. Can we set by then? –Scope is to agree on the top level schematic and on the DBM interfaces D. GiugninSQP meeting
Path to the prototype (4) My proposal: –Since... the DBM have two separate bundles: Signal(IBL Con Board) and Power (AXON) wires for the signals are available (ER Bundles) The IBL Connector board schematic and gerbers are available: –ATL-IP-ES-0176 v.1 IBL Connector Board Schematic –ATL-IP-ES-0177 v.1 IBL Connector Board Gerber Files we could start to produce the Signal bundle and load it on the nSQP trial assembly. D. GiugninSQP meeting