1st March 2016
New National Curriculum was introduced in 2014 As a result, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) are changing the tests so that they assess the new curriculum Pupils will be taking the new tests for the first time this year
Teacher Assessment is used to assess pupils at the end of Key Stage 1 The statutory Key Stage 1 National Curriculum tests for English and Maths are designed to help inform the final teacher assessment judgement reported for each pupil at the end of KS1
Key Stage 1 Assessments will take place in May No set days for administration
English Reading English Grammar, punctuation and Spelling Mathematics
Paper 1: Text and questions combined in one booklet (30min) Paper 2: More challenging test with a separate reading and question booklet (40min) Pupils will sit both papers No assistance will be given to pupils during the test
Paper 1: Spelling Test -Spelling tested by asking pupils to complete each sentence with a word that is missing -20 words (15min) Paper 2: Question booklet based on technical aspects of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary (new) -(20min) No English writing test (previous assessment task)
Paper 1: Arithmetic (new) Assesses confidence and fluency with whole numbers, place value and counting (20min) Paper 2: Reasoning Assesses pupils’ fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills (35min) No access to resources apart from a ruler which is required for Paper 2
Writing is teacher assessed Evidence is taken from writing in pupils’ literacy and topic books
No levels – scaled scores will be used to report national curriculum test outcomes Pupils’ raw score (ie. the total number of correct responses) will be converted to a ‘scaled score’ Scale of ‘100’ represents the ‘national standard’ Scale will have lower end point below 100 and an upper end point above 100 – however, this will not be published until after the tests have been administered
A pupil who achieves the national standard will have demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests
This sets out the replacement for levels in the core subject areas for teachers to make a teacher assessment judgement at the end of the key stage Consists of 3 standards: - Working towards the expected standard - Working at the expected standard - Working at greater depth within the expected standard
Each of the 3 standards within the Interim Framework contains a number of ‘pupil can’ statements To demonstrate that pupils have met a standard, teachers will need to have evidence that a pupil demonstrates attainment of all of the statements within that standard and all the statements in the preceding standard(s) This framework is interim for the academic year 2015 to 2016 only
Practice Tests using the sample papers published on GOV.UK Intervention groups Regular exam style question practise within lessons Setting homework linked to the national curriculum expectations for Year 2 in the core subject areas
Reading regularly with your child and questioning them Supporting your child with their homework
Thank you for coming If you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher Please have a look at the handout provided for example test questions