Summer 2015 Recap Paid Media: KMGH, KZCO/Azteca, Total Traffic Network –TV Paid & Bonus Spots: 701 –Radio Paid & Bonus Spots: 579 Digital/Social Media: KMGH, KZCO/Azteca –Pre-roll video ad banners delivered 448,512 views –Online & mobile banners delivered 803,330 impressions –OzoneAware microsite up on, June-August –Monthly Facebook posts on ABC7NEWS page delivered 1,521,447 impressions & 8,898 clicks to OzoneAware Facebook page
Summer 2015 Recap Ozone Action Alerts: Issued 25 VMS Signs: Displayed with every ozone alert Community Events: Exhibited at 11 in metro area, 9 in Northern Colorado Banner Bugs: Displayed at 9 locations in metro area and Northern Colorado; estimated 150,000+ views 98.2% new visitors from June - August
Mow Down Pollution 2015 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park – June 6, 2015 Funded through corporate grant by Suncor, Black & Decker 174 electric lawn mowers were sold 85% of the participants recycled a gas powered lawn mower Fort Collins – July 25, 2015 Funded by Noble SEP, corporate partner Black & Decker Worked closely with City of Fort Collins 71 electric lawn mowers were sold 94% of the participants recycled a gas powered lawn mower
Grant $1.6 million grant from DRCOG over four-year period, , to continue public ozone outreach and education program Alternative Transportation/Land Use/Pricing/Outreach Subcommittee to look at program, Oct. 5 –Topic: Public outreach and education related to ground level ozone pollution Key part of designing future program will be based on evaluation/research