Welcome to Directors’ Program Measure Webinar - Presenter: Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D., OSEP Project Officer, SPDG Program Lead
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SAVE THE DATE! SPDG National Meeting March 6 & 7, st Planning Committee Meeting: Oct. 27, 3:00-4:00pm Eastern
Upcoming Calls 6 November 3, 2011 Time: 3:00-4:30pm ET Program Measure Directors' Webinar Series #2: Improving Implementation Jennifer Coffey, PhD, OSEP Project Lead December 1, 2011 Time: 3:00-4:30pm ET Program Measure Directors' Webinar Series #3: Ongoing Technical Assistance and Teacher Retention Jennifer Coffey, PhD, OSEP Project Lead Date: January 11, 2012 Time: 3:00-4:30pm ET Adult Learning Principles Presentation Carol Trivette, Ph.D. Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute
7 Building a Leadership Support Network from Identification of Need to the Launch--the Oklahoma Story November 7, pm EST The Personnel Improvement NASDSE and Oklahoma State Department of Education will share how they are building a support network for new special education directors, which includes leadership institutes, webinars with follow-up blog discussions, and mentoring by veteran directors. Network goals include the development and retention of special education directors to ensure that they are able to attract, support and retain highly-qualified, highly-effective special education teachers. =W7IT&c=572590&destination=https%3A%2F%2Ftadnet.ilinc.com%2F register%2Ffmcbsby
8 Induction for Beginning Special Education Teachers: Lessons Learned from Research Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 1-2pm EST To register: select the NCIPP webinar on induction and mentoring for beginning special educators, and click register! Questions: Presented by: National Center to Inform Policy and Practice in Special Education Professional Development (NCIPP) This webinar provides an overview of research concerning induction and mentoring for beginning special education teachers. Specifically, participants will gain information about: *the needs of new special educators *formal and informal induction supports *how mentors and other colleagues can best provide support *e-mentoring as a promising innovation; and *assessment and evaluation in mentoring and induction.
9 Tapping the Power of Online PD Thursday, October 27, 2 to 3 p.m. EDT Also available "on demand" any time 24 hours after the event. Register: news.edweek.org/ct/ : :m:1: :DD9A6625E747E51D268D76C ADFBCE4DE:r Social networking and other online tools now provide a full menu of professional development opportunities that range from discussions on Twitter to personal learning networks on Ning and sharing of useful classroom resources on Google. Our guests will discuss what works best in this fast-evolving area of online PD. Guests: *Kyle Pace, instructional technology specialist, Lee's Summit School District, Lee's Summit, Mo. *Shelly S. Terrell, former elementary school teacher, author of the blog Teacher Reboot Camp. This webinar will be moderated by Michelle R. Davis, senior writer, Education Week Digital Directions. All Education Week webinars are archived and accessible "on demand " for up to six months after the original live-streaming date. news.edweek.org/ct/ : :m:1: :DD9A6625E747E51 D268D76CADFBCE4DE:r