Dark Matter Searches with AMANDA and IceCube Catherine De Clercq for the IceCube Collaboration Vrije Universiteit Brussel Interuniversity Institute for High Energies, Brussels PANIC 2008
Neutrinos from WIMP annihilations in Sun and Earth Indirect detection of Dark Matter John Kelley: Searching for Quantum Gravity with AMANDA-II and IceCube Alexander Kappes: Recent Results from the IceCube and AMANDA neutrino telescopes See also
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Neutralino annihilations in Sun → neutrinos Sun Earth Detector μ velocity distribution scatt capture annihilation int.
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Neutralino models considered Assume MSSM with R-parity conservation Neutralino χ 0 1 (LSP) is popular CDM candidate: weakly interacting, stable, massive search for neutralinos accumulated in Sun or centre of Earth Consider 7 masses and 2 annihilation channels Simulations: WIMPSIM ( M. Blennow et al., 2007 ) based on DarkSUSY
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Neutrino detection Cherenkov light pattern emitted by the muon is registered by an array of photomultiplier tubes (PMT) South Pole station 3km ice layer νμνμ µ * Photomultiplier tubes
Amundsen Scott South Pole Station IceCube observatory Æ1km At km depth Hot water drilling
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Status IceTop –Air shower array –threshold 300 TeV InIce 4800 Optical modules on 80 strings –Vertical OM spacing 17 m –Horizontal spacing 125 m 40 strings in March 2008 Completion 2011 AMANDA –677 OMs on 19 strings –Taking data since 2000
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Signal and background A few 1000 atmospheric neutrinos per year from northern hemisphere Max. a few neutrinos per year from WIMPs signal ~10 9 atmospheric muons per year from southern hemisphere BG
Main results Neutralinos in the Sun Neutralinos in the centre of the Earth
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Neutralinos in the Sun Use data with Sun below horizon (90°<θ<113.5°): March-September Near horizontal muon tracks Angular resolution –[4°-5°] <500GeV AMANDA –3° ≥ 500GeV IceCube22 Signal selection efficiency O(20%) – dependent on E ν BG from off-source data 1TeV WIMP, hard channel selection efficiency 20% Atm. ν Atm µ data Σ (atm BG) Several levels of filtering to remove atmospheric muon background
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Neutralinos in the Sun Test hypothesis that muons come from Sun → 90% C.L. upper limit on signal strength µ s → ν to µ conversion rate neutralino annihilation rate Muon flux DarkSusy
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Results solar neutralinos AMANDA II 2003 – 150 days - no syst errors IceCube – 104 days - incl. syst. errors ~25% No evidence for a signal in 250 days livetime → Upper limits on muon flux from neutralino annihilations in the Sun Compare to MSSM predictions & direct WIMP searches o Excluded by CDMS + XENON10 + allowed by CDMS + XENON10 IceCube 5y
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Neutralinos in the centre of the Earth Near vertical upgoing muons AMANDA B : 422d AMANDA II : 361d – focus on low masses BG estimated from simulation No evidence for signal in 800 days livetime → Upper limits on muon flux from neutralino annihilations in the centre of the Earth Incl. systematic errors:~36% o Excluded by CDMS + XENON10 + allowed by CDMS + XENON10 preliminary IceCube 5y
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Deep Core Solar WIMPs IceCube+DeepCore Addition of DeepCore : improvement at GeV 6 extra strings with dense spacing: 7m vertical, 60m horizontal At bottom of IceCube in very clear ice: λ scat ~40 m
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Summary and outlook Indirect search was performed with AMANDA & IceCube for neutralinos in Sun and centre of Earth No evidence for signal Upper limits were set on possible muon fluxes – complementary with direct searches Improvements in sensitivity expected in coming years: more statistics, larger detector and addition of DeepCore
Catherine De Clercq Dark Matter in AMANDA & IceCube – PANIC Bartol Research Inst., Delaware Anchorage University Pennsylvania State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine Clark-Atlanta University Univ. of Maryland University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-RiverFalls LBNL, Berkeley University of Kansas Southern Univ., Baton Rouge Ohio State University Bartol Research Inst., Delaware Anchorage University Pennsylvania State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine Clark-Atlanta University Univ. of Maryland University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-RiverFalls LBNL, Berkeley University of Kansas Southern Univ., Baton Rouge Ohio State University RWTH Aachen Humboldt Univ., Berlin Universität Dortmund MPIK Heidelberg Universität Mainz Universität Wuppertal DESY, Zeuthen RWTH Aachen Humboldt Univ., Berlin Universität Dortmund MPIK Heidelberg Universität Mainz Universität Wuppertal DESY, Zeuthen Uppsala University Stockholm University Uppsala University Stockholm University Chiba University Chiba University Universite Libre de Bruxelles Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université de Mons-Hainaut Universiteit Gent Universite Libre de Bruxelles Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université de Mons-Hainaut Universiteit Gent Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch University of Oxford University Utrecht IceCube Collaboration ~250 scientists – 30 groups EPF Lausanne