October 22, 2013 Ontario Ministry of Transportation Transportation Planning Branch Systems Analysis and Forecasting Office Rob Tardif Ontario Update on Border Traffic for FHWA Planning Initiative
Partnership: FHWA partnership with Ontario to develop O-D database to support planning Seeking financial or in-kind support from Transport Canada Promote concept of open data Commercial vehicle surveys: 12 crossings, 7 million trucks in 2012, sample at border crossings 8,200 Passenger surveys: 13 crossings, 32 million cars in 2012 Completed 7 crossings, sample at border crossings 35,000 surveys In 2014, 6 additional crossings (Detroit, Port Huron, St. Lawrence) Origin-Destination Database Border Flows
Partnership Objectives: Fill data gap in U.S.-Canada passenger and truck micro OD data Capture commodity tied to detailed route Measure: trips, tons/tonne, cargo value Measure U.S. and Canadian carriers Measure empty and loaded vehicles Passenger vehicle stated preference of border crossings use Trip purpose, duration and frequency, plus nationality Ultimate goal of FHWA to support infrastructure needs assessment at U.S. borders Products in 2014/2015 Document time series analysis (2000, 2006, 2013/2014) Prepare “User Guide” to effectively maximize OD survey results Prepare “How To Guide” to replicate best practices for U.S. deployment Provide case studies to demonstrate the range of analysis potential Origin-Destination Database Border Flows
Transportation Planning Branch Origin-Destination Database Border Flows Partnership Opportunities: Integrate Canadian data into U.S. FHWA Freight Analysis Framework Monitor shifting markets, routes, utilization, VWD Develop GIS map layers of multi-modal flows across North America Advance Tri-national multi-modal model development What is the optimal use of freight modes? Where does mode diversion of truck to rail maximize economic profits Quantify travel speed/time improvements of modal optimization Identify modal infrastructure barriers and opportunities Partner in development of Tri-national multi-modal commodity flow forecasts Extend border survey data collection beyond Ontario and Washington Collaborate in GPS data procurement of travel speed & OD data