2 Timothy 3: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Knowing God’s Word Intro to New Testament
Knowing God’s Word Our study of the Old Testament books as well as the Intertestament Period has concluded This brings us into a study of the New Testament The New Testament books begins with the births of John and Jesus and takes us through the final Revelation
Knowing God’s Word The New Testament contains 27 books that deal with the life of Christ, the church and it’s doctrine and teachings These books were penned in the first century and later compiled into the completed New Testament The New Testament contains divisions as well…
Knowing God’s Word There are 5 different sections of the New Testament – Gospels (Matthew - John) – History (Acts) – Pauline Epistles (Romans - Philemon) – General Epistles (Hebrews - Jude) – Prophecy (Revelation)
Knowing God’s Word Theme verses for the sections of NT: – Gospels (John 3:16) – History (Acts 10:34-35) – Pauline Epistles (II Timothy 3:16-17) – General Epistles (Hebrews 8:6) – Prophecy (Revelation 21:2-4)
Knowing God’s Word The arrangement of NT books follows history and time periods pretty well, but not in order of when they were written James is the earliest written book, being penned around 44 A.D. The later books were the ones penned by John (John, I – III John, Revelation) coming in the late first century
Knowing God’s Word The NT: – Shows us the prophesied Messiah and His fulfillment of those prophecies – Reveals the teachings of Christ – Introduces the church (kingdom) to us and shows us kingdom living – Gives us a hope of eternal life and the victory over sin and death
Knowing God’s Word The NT: – Tells us how to live soberly and righteously in the present age – Teaches us about worship to God under the new covenant – Shows us the way of salvation leading to eternal life – Gives us a spoiler as to who wins in the end