Ch.4.2-4.3: Middle and Southern Colonies Remember! Middle Colonies: - New York - Pennsylvania - New Jersey - Delaware Remember! Southern Colonies: - Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina - Georgia EQ: Describe the economy, culture, and slavery situation in the Middle and Southern Colonies.
Q1: Characteristics of Middle Colonies Middle Colonies had: Tolerance of religion Immigrants from all over Europe Farmed Wheat Native Americans continually pushed out of more and more land as colonies grew Farming Tools
Q2: Middle Colony Cash Crops Grew cash crops Cash crops = crops raised to be sold for money Produced so much grain (such as wheat), Middle Colonies known as “bread basket” colonies Cities prospered due to trade Exported cash crops and important manufactured goods Various Grains Wheat Bread and Grains
Q3: Middle Colonies’ Immigrants Diverse population in Middle Colonies equaled diverse talents: Craftsmen,Gunsmiths,Ironworkers,Glass makers,Furniture makers,Farmers ,Builders Diversity promoted tolerance No one large religious group in Middle Colonies Because of great # of different groups, no 1 group could dominate others
Q4: Slavery 7% of Middle Colonies population was slaves Free African Americans also worked in cities Tensions between races did exist and sometimes lead to rebellions or riots
And now the Southern Colonies…
Q5: Southern Colonies Economy Southern Colonies had: Almost year-around growing season, economy depended on agriculture (farming) Ideal for cash crops like rice and tobacco Large slave population Rice Tobacco
Q6: Slavery in the South Plantation owners enslaved Africans Africans were resistant to European diseases, had experience with agriculture, and less likely to escape because they didn’t know the land Slaves made up 40% of population
Q7: Planter Class of the South Elite Planter Class was created as wealthy families were able to buy the most slaves Allowed them to grow more crops to sell then other farmers Small landowners could not compete and moved west This created very rigid social class system in South
Q8: Treatment of Slaves in South Slaves worked in groups of 20-25 (watched by a white overseer) Forced to work 15+ hrs a day, whipped if not working hard enough or disobeying Several lived in small 1 room cabin, given 1 lb of meat and ¼ bushel of corn for whole WEEK to share
Q9(Last Question): African Culture in South Africans tried to preserve customs such as music, dances, and stories Some rebelled by purposely working slowly or completing a task the wrong way Occasionally rose up in rebellion and sometimes attempted to, or even succeeded in killing planters families Slaves caught in rebellion or trying to escape would be put to death
Summary! Think about what you learned! Create a 4-6 sentence summary answering the EQ’s with details! Remember the EQ’s were: Describe the economy, culture, and slavery situation in the Middle Colonies. Describe the economy, culture, and slavery situation in the Southern Colonies.