Communication During Marriage Journal: If in the past few years, you haven’t discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.
Name that road block. 1. You never trust me with anything. 2. I didn’t think you’d mind me borrowing your bike. 3. How can you be so stupid? 4. Baseball is much more interesting than soccer. 5. Who cut your hair, a lawn mower? 6. How come you’re always late? 7. I know why you couldn’t tell him that. See how many of the following communication roadblocks you can identify correctly. Opinion as Fact Globalizing Name- calling Mind- Reading Sarcasm Insult
Name that road block. 8. You sound just like a jerk. 9. This TV show is boring. 10. You’re the expert, you do it. 11. A ball could be right in your hands and you’d drop it. 12. My teacher never calls on me. 13. Okay, Mr. Know-it-all, tell me the answer. 14. Boys can’t jump rope as well as girls. 15. You’re the biggest cheapskate I know. 16. Can’t you ever take a little kidding? Opinion as Fact Globalizing Name- calling Mind- Reading Sarcasm Insult See how many of the following communication roadblocks you can identify correctly.
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Watch “She Talks, He Talks!” Discuss
Discussion Questions:
Discuss Communication within a marriage. Options in resolving interpersonal differences and Opposition systems.