TPC data David Adams BNL March 23, 2016 DUNE 35t sim/reco.


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Presentation transcript:

TPC data David Adams BNL March 23, 2016 DUNE 35t sim/reco

Introduction Initial goals I would like to study efficiency and resolution in the 35-ton TPC For a given set of trigger counters, how often so we find a TPC signals? o In each of the three views Given a signal in one view, how often do we find signals in the others? What are the ratios of signal amplitudes in the three views Later goals Later look at SSP efficiency for these signals With self-triggered SSPs, repeat the above studies using SSPs in place of external counters D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, 20162

Introduction (2) Procedure Mostly working in my own analysis module: DXDisplay o Repository: o Develop and ask for tools that can be used in this and other environments Identify and resolve issues (see following slides) o Event identification o Channel map o Bad channels o Stuck bit mitigation o Noise mitigation o Trigger identification o Datasets o Presplit production D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, 20163

Bad channels I still need a list of bad channels I want to automate search for interesting events and regions I.e. find ROIs (regions of interest) where there are tracks This is “zero suppression” Must identify and ignore bad channels We have a channel status service But lists are in FCL Move these to text files Does this vary with run? o We may want to deliver these with IOV web service as for pedestals D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, 20164

Stuck bit mitigation Stuck bits distort spectra Present approach to interpolate between nearest good ticks o Code in module (requiring copy of data) o Plan to move this to a service Plan to move this to a service to avoid duplicating full raw data Other approaches? Later. D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, 20165

Noise mitigation 35t data is pretty noisy Some coherence but complicated structure o See following plots for an example o Now for a recent “low noise” run Primary coherence is in groups of 32 channels o I think this is what Brian’s code uses Brian’s code is available in module o Again like to put this in a service where it is easily shared D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, 20166

Trigger identification Trigger information is in the splitter events In ExternalTrigger data product Mix of actual triggers and individual counters o Latter have ID < 100 o Triggers are 110, 111, 112, 113 I started looking at these and found about half the events do not have a trigger (they do have counters) o Less (30%?) in later runs This is being actively investigated Ghosts are still present in run taken March 15 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, 20167

Datasets Classify by HV gain shaping time Trigger including prescale and timing o PTB prescale setting of N gives prescale factor of N+1 o Also possible to prescale in NIM Untriggered (aka self-triggered) PD readout (missing so far) Noise level LAr purity What else? Following page has list of those identified so far All exclude noisy runs Run lists are available for each o Dataset number is the number of the first run in the list D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, 20168

Datasets: List D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, ds /29 (RCEs 01-08, 11-15) (66.7 kV) (trigger ) ds /29 Change trigger timing to keep 5000 ticks before instead of 4000 ds /1 (RCEs 01-08, 11-15) (66.7 kV) (trigger ) (add NIM prescale) ds /2 (RCEs 01-08, 11-15) (66.7 kV) (trigger ) (replace NIM w/ PTB prescale) ds /3 Trigger offset back to 4000 ticks ds /10 APA3 is out, RCEs 9-10 are in, self-triggering ssps, SSP1,3-6 ds /10 all-APA (APA3 is in) ds /10 APA3 back out ds /12 SSP3-6 (drop SSP1) ds /14 telescope trigger with PS=120, others are PS=5 (6X), APA3 is out, RCEs 9-10 are in ds /15 telescope PS=160 ds /15 turn off horiz trigs, telescope has NIM prescale=100 ds /16 telescope NIM prescale set to 120 ds /16 HV off ds /16 pull ssp03 out, have ssp02,04-07, still HV=0 ds /16 Trigger timing changed 5-->6, drop ssp02, now ssp04-07, HV turned on during DS ds /16 RCE00-11, SSP04-07, telescope trigger (presumably NIM prescale 120), HV 66.9, LAr dirty? ds /17 Drop SSP03, now SSP04-07 ds /17 Add SSP03, Drop SSP06, now SSP03-05,07 ds /17 RCE00-11, SSP01-07 ds /18 Add horiz trigs with prescale 4?, Def1=-1.0 kV and Def2=-1.0 kV ds /18 Unspecified change in prescale, Def1=-1.0 kV and Def2=-1.0 kV ds /18 Def1 = -1.4 kV and Def2=-1.0 kV ds /18 def1: 1.0 kV and def2: 1.4 kV ds /18 Back to default HVs with 66.7 kV

Datasets: Event rates D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23, ds13370 ds14009 ds14085 ds16363

Trigger timing: Feb 29 and earlier D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Trigger timing Feb 29 – Mar 3 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Trigger timing March 3 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Trigger timing March D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Trigger timing March 16 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Trigger timing March D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Presplit samples Raw data Raw data is continuous stream of headers which are populated with TPC (and SSP) data for selected uslices (uslice = 1000 ticks) Current selection is ticks around a (prescaled) trigger There are some selections with no trigger o They are not supposed to be there o Sometimes called “ghost triggers’ o Maybe 30-50% of the data Event splitter is first step in data analysis Converts data from raw format to larsoft RawDigit Can run in two modes: o Triggered keeps a specified range around specified triggers – Trigger skipped if requested range is too large. Be careful. o Untriggered keeps every populated block of a specified size – First tick is the first populated tick D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Presplit samples (2) I would like to presplit data I.e. run splitter over data and use output as start for most an analyses Motivation: o Do the slow splitting once instead of forcing each analyst to repeat o Split files are much smaller (1/4 – 1/3 the raw file) I prefer to use the untriggered mode for the presplit o No need to restrict the tick range around the trigger o Can look at events (e.g. ghost triggers) without trigger bias o Note that the splitter can be run in triggered mode on the presplit data – And will be much faster than running it on the raw data I got what I wanted Karl has been doing sliced production. Thanks! But timing looks bad for about 10% of events o I.e. I get different results when I look at raw and sliced samples o Bug fixed and partial reprocessing planned o Data produced last week still has problem – Wrong release. Re-reprocessing planned. D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Trigger time reading raw file D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Trigger time reading sliced file D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Summary A bit more progress in last week Found trigger timing is fixed again Found timing issue with new sliced samples not quite fixed More comprehensive list of datasets D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Extras Noise and correlation around March 1 Old dataset comments D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Run noise D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Run correlations D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Run correlations 1/4 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Run correlations 2/4 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Run correlations 3/4 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Run /4 D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Datasets (2) Data Feb 29 – Mar 3 Now have five datasets from the week where I was on shift All runs are “low noise” identified by looking at online RCE RMS plots All are “all-APA” runs meaning RCEs 1-8, are in o RCEs 9 and 10 were drawing too much current All have only triggers enabled SSPs are read out only when trigger fires Window is ticks All 14 mV/fC, 3 us. New dataset for each combination of trigger prescale timing o ds13370: No NIM, PTB=1 (2X prescale), 1.6 Hz, 29feb o ds13843: Change trigger timing ~4k  ~5k ticks, 29feb o ds14009: NIM prescale 2X. 0.8 Hz, 01mar o ds14085: NIM prescale out. PTB=2 (3X prescale), 1.0 Hz, 02mar o dx14379: Trigger offset back to 4k ticks, 03mar D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Datasets (3) Data Mar 4-13 Presumably useful data was taken after recovering from power failure Any hint on which time period and what conditions were? Or should I slog through the logbook? D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Datasets (4) Data Mar Telescope (trigger 110) is added I identified one dataset (so far) from this week All runs are “low noise” identified by looking at online RCE RMS plots All are “no-APA3” runs meaning RCEs 1-11 o RCEs 9 and 10 are OK after power problems All have only triggers enabled o Log says prescale is 120 for telescope (120) o What about the others? SSPs are read out only when trigger fires? Window is still ticks? All 14 mV/fC, 3 us? New dataset: o ds13363: 13mar D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,

Datasets: RCE RMS reference plots D. Adams, BNL DUNE 35t sim/reco 35-ton data March 23,