Investing in Emerging Vertically Differentiated Products The Case of Voluntary GM-free Labeling 25 th June 2016, Thomas Venus
Labeling overview In EU: Mandatory GM label In 1998: Small UK retail chain „bans“ GM food Until 2000: Major European retail chains follow Not for animal products Some European countries: Voluntary GM-free label
Stylized model: set-up Two firms; both initially produce GM Firm’s capacities: Demand functions are downward sloping Government introduces GM-free labeling standard Quality choices: ● N … GM-free (or non-GM) quality ● G.. GM quality Firms with capacity constraints: price setters
Initial situation: No GM-free label Duopoly GM market with capacity constraint GM demand curve
Crop farmer Livestock producer Dairy company/ Retailer
Small firm: GM-free Large firm: GM Large firm: GM-free Small firm: GM
Objective Under what conditions does large firm invests first? Under what conditions does small firm invests first? Model Two firms - Different size - Capacity constraint - Produce GM - Government introduces GM-free label - Firms can invest - Initially, GM-free profits too low - Over time, GM- free profits increase - Potential for positive profits. Combination of entry and exit models.
Result Results of theoretical model Results of numerical simulation …degree of product differentiation …similarity of firm sizes CaseOutcome IBoth firms: FMAPreemption IIFirst firm: FMA; Second firm: SMAFMA-firm invests first IIIBoth firms: SMAWar of attrition FMA…First-mover advantage SMA…Second-mover advantage
Model – per-unit profits Example: Firm 1 produces N & firm 2 produces G Assumption: GM-free profit initially negative BUT: Over time, N demand and hence profits increase & G prices remain constant
Increasing GM-free profits
Leader and follower value and time
If >, then FMA If >, then SMA (Note: zero interest rate, zero investment expenditure)
Case I: If both firms have FMA: -> Firm with lower preemption time leads.
Case II.2: If firm 2 has FMA and firm 1 has SMA, then firm 2 invests first.
If >, then FMA If >, then SMA
Case II.1: If firm 1 has FMA and firm 2 has SMA, firm 1 invests first.
11 Who leads, if both firms have a second-mover advantage?
Backward induction
Case III: If both firms have SMA, the firm with lower follower time invests first.
Derived demand function for vertically differentiated products Monopoly prices Duopoly prices …Stringency of labeling standard Forth-to-last slide
Baseline values for simulation Third-to-last slide
Simulation results Second-to-last slide 5% 2% 48% 20% 1% 24%
Conclusion Investment in labeling requires to combine entry and exit models GM-averse consumers gain from GM-free labeling GM accepting consumers lose from GM-free labeling Effect stronger if large firm invests first Particular conditions must be considered Last slide