Abusive Relationships What makes a relationship unhealthy?
Common Myths My partner will never do it again. Abuse only happens to women. I deserve this. Dating violence isn’t common among teens. Abusive relationships start out abusive.
Facts: Battering is one of the most underreported crimes. Only rape of males is less reported. 4 Million American women are battered each year by a partner. 95% of battering victims are women.
Battering incidents ARE NOT isolated events. They WILL happen again. Battering tends to increase and get more violent over time. Battering often begins during pregnancy. (Jealousy/ Fear)
1/3 of teens experience abuse in a relationship. The biggest WARNING to experts that this relationship can be fatal is that one partner attempted to strangle the other. Most abusive relationships start out “sweet and attentive”. The most dangerous time in a relationship is when the partner leaves and regains their own personal power.
Bad History At one time, it was legal for a man to hit a woman as long as he didn’t hit her with anything thicker than his thumb. RULE OF THUMB
Cycle of Violence
The Ten Signs of Abuse: Isolation Jealousy Possessiveness Double Standards Name Calling Controlling Behavior Threats of Self-Harm Playing Rough Non-consensual Sex (Rape) Violence
Self Questions: Do my friends like this person? Does my family like this person? Are my friends or family expressing concern? Do I lie to family or friends to cover up for this person? Am I limiting my extracurricular activities to be with this person?
Have my grades changed? Has my attendance changed? Am I missing work? Does this person check up on me at school/work? Do I feel worse about myself since entering this relationship? Am I more stressed, anxious, depressed?
Do I have trouble sleeping due to worry? Am I using more drugs/alcohol/smoking? Have I had physical injuries due to a fight with this person? Have I been pressured into using drugs or alcohol? Do I have control over my own money ?
Where to get HELP: National Domestic Violence Hotline SAFE (7233) Break the Cycle TEEN (8336) Rape, Abuse, Incent National Network HOPE (4673)