Daniel 4:28-37
The Problem: Who’s on the throne? On top of the world v.29 I Corinthians 10:12 The great Babylon! V. 30 Boasting in our achievements My mighty power v.30 Boasting in our power My glory and majesty v. 30 Robbing God of His glory Romans 1:21 James 4:13-15
The Purpose of God’s Judgement Freedom maintained God’s character demonstrated Returns us to God Gives God the glory
Free to Choose Which king will you serve? Bondage or freedom? Breaking the bondage of self Genesis 3:15 Isaiah 14:13-14 True Freedom- John 8:36
God’s Character Demonstrated God allows our “foolishness” Psalm 14:1 Romans 1:21-23 God’s judgement v.31- Romans 1:18 God’s mercy- Lamentations 3:23
God’s Mercy The key to a changed heart Changed perspective v. 37 eyes lifted to heaven Psalm 3:3 Psalm 121: 1,2 Sanity ( peace) restored v.34 II Timothy 1:7 Colossians 1:20
Result of our Restoration Restored relationship/intimacy Psalm 51:12 Restored worship- Romans 12:1 Recognizing God’s Lordship v Recognizing our frailty v. 35 Genesis 3:19
Ephesians 5:18