REDESIGNING OUR PRESENCES Continental Meeting for Asia-Oceania 10-20 September 2009 Morning Prayer.


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Presentation transcript:

REDESIGNING OUR PRESENCES Continental Meeting for Asia-Oceania September 2009 Morning Prayer

The words of Fr. Alberione MISSION Fruit of Collaboration 16 September There must be a very close union between all the parts. When a new book comes out, not much is said about those who wrote, printed and diffused it. Instead, it is said: the Pauline Family published this book. This way of speaking shows that our Family is united: its members form a single body. Only with this type of union will we do good to people; only in this way will we communicate our message. Only in this way will we speak to humanity. We must under- stand one another well. The propagandist should tell the writer what is needed and the writer must be ready [to meet this need]. The technicians should allow themselves to be guided by the author. When everyone is united in this way, we will give what is truly useful and in a suitable form. (Pr PM 1954)

The Word of God We are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building. According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation (1 Co. 3:9-10). Make my joy complete by being of a single mind, one in love, one in heart and one in mind (Phil. 2:2).


Prayer Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you with the angels who sang the reasons for your Incarnation: “Glory to God and peace to all people.” We thank you for having called us to share in your own apostolate. Enkindle in us your own flame of zeal for God and for souls. Fill all our powers with yourself. Live in us so that we may radiate you through our apostolate of prayer, suffering and social communication, as well as by word, example and deed. Send good laborers into your harvest. Enlighten preachers, teachers, writers; infuse in them the Holy Spirit; dispose minds and hearts to receive him. Come, Master and Lord! Teach and reign, through Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen.