masjid = mosque jami‘ = major congregational mosque
Madrasas (Religious Colleges) Dedicated boarding schools with lecture halls, prayer spaces and accommodation for students and teachers Begin to appear in Khurasan in 10th century Spread across Muslim world with Saljuqs in 11th century Eventually spread to Spain and N. Africa ijaza ≈ endorsement from teacher
Divisions(?) in Muslim World Geographical? Dar al-Islam (Abode of Islam) vs. Dar al-Kufr (Abode of Blasphemy)/ Dar al-Harb (Abode of War) jihad = struggle (for faith) ≈ holy war ribat = fortress for holy warriors
Divisions(?) in Muslim World Ethnic? dhimmis (non-Muslims under Muslim rule) Umayyad preference for Arabs 9th-10th c. Persian cultural revival
Divisions(?) in Muslim World Gender? royal harims (harems) Slavery? Zayd ibn Haritha
‘Ali ibn Tahir al-Sulami ( ) Damascene philologist and jurist of Shafi‘ite legal school Wrote Kitab al-Jihad (Book of the Holy War), which dictated over course of Muslim years (1105) in Mosque of Bayt Lahiya (in suburbs of Damascus). Also dictated part of work again in public in Jul-Aug 1105