Alexander Cougar Battalion Adopt a School Program LTC Sharon Franklin 1SG Mark Arnold
Purpose To provide information concerning the Alexander Cougar Battalion Adopt a School Program and to exchange ideas which will benefit both feeder school and JROTC cadets.
Mission To train and educate JROTC cadets to act as mentors, tutors, and role models. To build relationships with feeder schools and provide assistance in areas where cadets can make a difference in the life of middle/elementary school student. To promote the JROTC program which places emphasis on LEADERSHIP, SCHOLASTIC EXCELLENCE, DISCIPLINE, AND CIVIL SERVICE.
Alexander HS JROTC Program Program existence began Aug FY projected count = 220 Cadets consisting of 40 seniors. Program includes: - Raiders = Athletic Team - Color Guard = Ceremonial Posting of the Colors - Drill Team = Drill and Ceremony, Rifle Precision Movements - Community Service = Service Leaning, Volunteering - Adopt a School = Junior Achievement Prog ram
5 17 Sep 2007
Adopt A School Program Hallway Poster = Include JROTC program summary photos and brochures Color Guard = Cadets provide posting of the colors services at various events (Pass the torch ceremony) Field Day = Cadets can provide school activities to possibly include laser tag/rock wall events with the assistance of the National Guard.
Adopt A School Program Take over physical education class for a day. Get involved with any high school pre- course scheduling assemblies/programs. Adopt a student/students for a day.
Conclusion Here in the AHS Cougar Battalion we turn students into leaders. Every cadet is taught a sense of positive self concept, and learns the importance of selfless service and physical training. By teaching leadership we “motivate young people to be better citizens.”