By: Patrick
Cougars have very sharp teeth They live and hunt in places called home ranges Cougars are solitary animals
Cougars live in mountains, deserts, grasslands, forests and swamps They live in Canada, North America and southeastern Florida
Cougars eat deer, foxes, beavers and bighorn sheep Cougars hunt at day Cougars are carnivores They mainly hunt deer
Cougars live to be 8 to 10 years old Cougars are related to mountain lions, pumas, panthers and painters Cougar babies are covered with black or brown spots
Cougars cannot see as much details then people Scientist believe cougars can hear high-pitched sounds that people cannot hear Cougars can accurately judge their distance from prey
The cougars scientific name is puma concolor Female cougars give birth to 1 through 6 young Cougars often hunt near sunrise and sundown