Summary Y. Akiba. sPHENIX/fsPEHNIX/ePHENIX sPHENIX/fsPHENIX/ePHENIX Jamie NaglesPHENIX physics overview John HaggertysPHENIX overivew Kenta Shigakihard.


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Presentation transcript:

summary Y. Akiba

sPHENIX/fsPEHNIX/ePHENIX sPHENIX/fsPHENIX/ePHENIX Jamie NaglesPHENIX physics overview John HaggertysPHENIX overivew Kenta Shigakihard probes ShinIchi EsumiSoft probes Xiaochun HeQuarkonia YAtracker/preshower John LajioeMPC-EX Yuji Gotofs/ePHENIX spin Joe SeelefsPHENIX detector eRHIC Abhay Deshpande ePHENIX LOI Kieran Boyle Jin Huang Itaru Nakagawa

Where we are

BaBar Solenoid Excellent foundation for sPHENIX and ePHENIX: inner radius 140 cm, length 385 cm, field 1.5 T Reduces technical risk associated with acquiring new superconducting research magnets Just moving to SLAC station A Soon to Brookhaven

7/29/20138 sPHENIX

ePHENIX – built on the sPHENIX foundation

Lively discussion on “what is MUST in eRHIC/ePHENIX

Advance in theory QCD overview Tetsuo Hatsuda Lattice QCD Taku Izubuchi Spin Xiangdong JiDelta G Yoshitaka HottaDecomposition Yuji Koiketransverse spin QGP/CGC Theory Yukinao AkamatsuHeavy Flavor Yasushi NaraJet and flow Hirotsugu FujiiCGC and pA

Great advance in Lattice computation Realistic simulation  QGP properties and nucleon structure Izubuchi Much larger volume Clever and efficient algorithm Big computer Hatsuda

Advance in spin physics theory JiHatta Koike

QGP theory Akamatsu Nara Fujii

detector sPHENIX Detector/Simulation Eric MannealFEE/Test Beam Edward KistenevCalorimeter NagashimaG4 preshower XiaochunHe G4 calorimeter Detector technology Akira Yamamotosuperconducting magnet Yasuo AraiSOI pixel Youngil KwonSilicon at Korea Atsushi TaketaniSilicon for sPHENIX tracker

Progress/status of sPHENIX Detector Ed KistenevEric Mannel

sPHENIX simulation X. He Nagashima Preshower

Superconducting detector magenet A. Yamamoto J.Haggerty

Monolithic Detector having fine resolution of silicon and data processing power of CMOS LSI by using the FD-SOI Pixel Technology. SOI Pixel Detector (SOIPIX) 20 Y. Arai

6 inch fabrication line 8 inch fabrication line R&D environment 1 cm 2 ~ $ 2 Possibility in Korea Y. Kwon

Non-PHENIX experiment Yuji Yamazakilow x physics at HERA/LHC Katsuo TokushukuHERA/ZEUS ToshiAki ShibataHermes, SeaQuest Yoshiyuji MiyachiCompass Hideki HamagakiAlice Yajun MaoCMS quarkonium KiyoshiTanidacharm baryon Nuclear Physics Experiment in Japan Hirokazu Tamura Nuclear Theory in Japan Masayuki Asakawa The time when PHENIX was born Shoji Nagamiya

ep collider experiment  ePHENIX Y. Yamazaki K. Tokushuku

ePHENIX Detector Concept Use BABAR magnet -1<  <1: – Keep sPHENIX EMCal and HCal – Add  -TPC and DIRC -4<  <-1: – Crystal calorimeter with good (2%) Energy resolution – GEM Trackers (+  -TPC) – No PID 1<  <4: – HCal (1<  <5) – EMCal PbSc restack? – GEM Trackers (+  - TPC) PID requires good resolution – Aerogel (1<  <~2) – RICH sPHENIX Upgrade Workfest--August 2, Next two talks: Tracking & Magnetic Field: Jin Huang PID: Itaru Nakagawa

Thank you!