Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department DigiSkills Network DigiSkills: Network for the enhancement of Digital competence skills
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department DigiSkills Project Overview Argiris Tzikopoulos, Ellinogermaniki Agogi DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 2/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Some data about DigiSkills “DigiSkills: Network for the enhancement of Digital competence skills”“DigiSkills: Network for the enhancement of Digital competence skills” Funded by the Lifelong Learning ProgrammeFunded by the Lifelong Learning Programme Network Project, duration 36 monthsNetwork Project, duration 36 months Starting: 1/12/2012Starting: 1/12/2012 Ending: 30/11/2015Ending: 30/11/2015 DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 3/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Consortium DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 4/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Project objectives (1/3) The main aims of the proposed project are: First, to develop a detailed and systematic methodology to define the criteria for identifying the best practices (as identified in each partner) and then operate as the frame for the collection and formation of exceptional teaching and learning approaches with the view to provide/collect innovative teaching and learning practices. Second, to design and develop a web-based Inventory, which will include a collection and categorization of best practices that can support learning community and where users will be able to find, exchange and adapt innovative teaching and learning practices and exchange ideas and best practices (termed as the DigiSkills Inventory). DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 5/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Project objectives (2/3) Third to establish a constantly-expanding network of SE, HE and AE communities informed on the necessity of innovative teaching and learning practices and trained in effective use of ICT in teaching. This network shall operate in an independent way, with teachers supplying the educational material and ultimately being responsible for the preservation and further enhancement of the inventory and through Web2.0-based approaches and tools. Fourth, to collect and develop innovative, relevant and multilingual content that will support the proposed approach, which will be described and stored (in the form of learning objects) in the Inventory’s repository of content. DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 6/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Project objectives (3/3) Fifth, to develop ICT literacy skills and ensure the access to and use of innovative teaching and learning practices by the users under the umbrella of community building. Community building is critical component that will enable their success in learning programs by reducing isolation, mentoring success, transforming experiences of exclusion to ones of inclusion, offering encouragement and hope, and fostering group dialogue and peer learning from secondary to higher and adult education communities. Finally, to perform an extended dissemination and validation of the project outcomes in a wide network across Europe, and to circulate effective teaching methods through networking with relevant projects, networks and initiatives. DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 7/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Project Work Packages WP1. Project Management WP2. Good Practice Thematic Search and Organization WP3. Inventory and Community Building WP4. Implementation WP5. Evaluation & Quality Assurance WP6. Dissemination & Networking WP7. Exploitation & Network Sustainability DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 8/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department DigiSkills Timetable DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 9/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department DigiSkills Phase A Good Practice Thematic Search and Organization: during this first period, which is going to last 11 months, good practices shall be collected from all partners as well as from affiliated institutions in the areas of effective use of eLearning resources. Participating countries will equally contribute to this process through the focus groups as well as through the practice exchange forum to be organized, following a set of guidelines and criteria ensuring the quality of these best practices. Moreover, a first summer school shall be organized, focusing precisely at the collection of such best practices. DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 10/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department DigiSkills Phase B Implementation: this 27-month period is the core phase of the three-year work. During it, a number of events shall be organised for the exchange, validation and evaluation of the collected best practices: such as training sessions, contests and fairs, at least two summer schools, other parallel events as well as a European transnational workshop with EDEN’s contributions. To this shall contribute the specially developed web-based inventory that will allow all interested parties to access ideas and best practices on effective use of eLearning resources. All these actions shall create a European trend of teachers discussing, testing, implementing and eventually even developing effective practices. DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 11/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department DigiSkills Phase C Valorisation: this final period regards the Dissemination and Exploitation process. The formation of a set of recommendations to policy makers and regional authorities shall examine the ways European policy making specialists can use the DigiSkills Inventory and the collected and evaluated good practices in order to support the training of their citizens in taking advantage of ICT services. Moreover, a concrete guide of good practices for teachers (DigiSkills Best Practice Guidelines), resulting from the overall work, will be disseminated through teacher communities across Europe, aiming to be used as a guide for European teachers’ networks. Based on this, a final summer school will be organised, focusing on the most outstanding best practices collected. DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 12/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Tasks that working with … WP1:WP1: Management Structure and Plan Project Meeting Minutes WP2:WP2: Guidelines for identification of good practices in resource-based teaching Focus Groups Best Practice Exchange Forum (EDEN Synergy Workshop) DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 13/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Tasks that working with … WP3:WP3: Approaches for integrating best practices content Methodology on the Development of the DigiSkills Web 2.0 Community WP6:WP6: Dissemination Plan Project Web Site WP7:WP7: Exploitation Plan DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 14/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Main ongoing work (1/2) DigiSkill focuses on the state-of-the-art of innovative teaching and learning practices. The work is concentrating on developing a detailed and systematic methodology to define the criteria for identifying the best practices most suitable to the project’s purposes. In order to define these standards more effectively, an extensive literature review is being carried out, also focusing on the current conditions in the participating countries as regards to resource based approaches. Identifying problematic areas and approaches shall lead to a better understanding of the target groups’ needs, as well as the possibilities for connecting the educational to the industrial world (publishers and ad-hoc content providers). DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 15/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Main ongoing work (2/2) The best practices shall result from the focus groups promoting collaboration between SE, HE and AE teachers from different European countries as well as through the forum for exchange of good practices, will be developed to retrieve existing best practices. DigiSkills innovative teaching and learning practices will investigate topics on the following areas: 1. ICT enabled learning (pedagogical design such as IMS Learning Design, tools and digital content such as learning repositories, educational resources); 2. Community building (methodology and tools such as blogs, social networks); 3. Quality and Assessment (quality standards, e-assessment tools, ePortfolios); DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 16/18
Ellinogermaniki Agogi Research and Development Department Thank you for your attention DigiSKills Summer School: DigiSkills SYNERGY Workshop 2013, October, Budapest, Hungary 17/18