SW1 FOS Networking Session Dec. 16, 2011 Lanor Junior Middle School
DATA GAN Focus/Inquiry Question DATA GAN Focus/Inquiry Question How did you take your GAN (Greatest Area of Need) and formulate a focus and/or an inquiry question for your Pathway/Professional Learning Team Focus? How did the data inform this focus? We used our previous EQAO Data that we unpacked to determine what our Greatest Area Of Need was and decided that we needed to focus on Problem Solving in Math. Our focus was to develop our teaching skills – The Three Part Lesson and increase student success at the same time.We used our previous EQAO Data that we unpacked to determine what our Greatest Area Of Need was and decided that we needed to focus on Problem Solving in Math. Our focus was to develop our teaching skills – The Three Part Lesson and increase student success at the same time. We focused on Multi-step problems because we realized that our students had difficulties deconstructing these kinds of questions. Our goal was to teach them strategies that would enable them to break down these types of questions into simpler steps that they could manage.We focused on Multi-step problems because we realized that our students had difficulties deconstructing these kinds of questions. Our goal was to teach them strategies that would enable them to break down these types of questions into simpler steps that they could manage.
Rationale for the Focus/Inquiry Question What research, resources or educational experiences helped you to formulate this focus and/or inquiry question? to formulate this focus and/or inquiry question? We used Problem solving materials provided by our Math Coach We used Ministry Exemplars to find assessment activities Teamwork amongst division members provided collective and differing experiences and knowledge we could share Our Fantastic Math Coach Colleen Bellehumeur came in and did team teaching with our grade 1, 2/3 and 6 teachers
Formative InstructionalImprove Assessment Strategies Understanding How did you use a balance of assessment tools and strategies along the Pathway to monitor and improve student thinking and understanding? Pre-assessment diagnostics were made from the Ministry Exemplars as well as mid-point assessments and activities. Moderated marking with the students The Bump It Up Wall was used with student activities and assignments Manipulatives, games and explorative learning in the classroom became a regular part of the program Think/Pair/Share and the KWH Chart for question deconstructing was incorporated into daily lessons Individual work and reflecting was done as well as parallel tasks to ensure that all students could participate at their level Descriptive Feedback was an integral part of the learning process for middle school students Gallery walks and Computer/Technology integration used in the junior Division
Differentiating for Marker Students Differentiating for Marker Students How did you provide differentiation (instruction and/or assessment) specifically for your Marker Students at any grade? Questions with different entry points were provided Evaluation was based on communication at their level Ability groupings for class work and activities were created Partnerships were made with a focus on student math leaders/mentors A use of a variety of math manipulatives for every activity
Reflection How did this Pathway inform your thinking and practice? By focusing on Problem Solving and The three part lesson collaboratively we were able to develop our questioning skills and ensure that we were all using a common language and that we had common expectations and goals for ourselves as well as for our students Teachers who were unfamiliar with the three Part Lesson were able to develop their instructional skills Realizing that Problem Solving is a broad area – we made sure to provide students with activities that had various entry points. We realized that communication was an integral part of the ability to effectively solve problems and that we needed to expand our expectations. We learned to not focus solely on accurate answers that follow specific algorithms. specific algorithms.