OWL EYES AND THE LIBRARY What do these books symbolize? How do they relate to Gatsby? What does Owl Eyes represent overall? Nick is the ONLY person to ever enter the house in pursuit of Gatsby. What does this tell us about Nick?
THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Nick refers to an ‘old timetable ’ containing a list he made in the summer of 1922 of the visitors to Gatsby’s back yard, those who ‘ paid him subtle tribute of knowing nothing whatever about him ’ (page 61). He lists characters whose names bear allusions to animals of various descriptions. Each of these animal’s carry negative associations, and are shown to belong to the power-hungry, parasitical jungle Nick had already outlined in chapter 3.
THE ANIMAL KINGDOM With a partner, take a close look at these names. Pick a few of them out and discuss the negative connotations associated with them.
GATSBY’S CAR We discussed the new idea of the automobile in the 1920s. Focus on Gatsby’s car. How is it described? What does its description symbolize?
GATSBY AND NICK Look over the conversation Nick and Gatsby have in the car on the way to New York. Gatsby’s character and how Nick feels about him. Think about: Gatsby's restlessness His attitude towards all his objects The information (lies?) he tells Nick about his life Quotes which describe the way he says those ‘facts’ Whether Nick believes him or not
GATSBY AND NICK Nick is left feeling ‘ more annoyed than interested’ in the favor that Gatsby has asked him. Why?
MEYER WOLFSHEIM Critics have poured scorn on Fitzgerald’s open caricature of Wolfsheim, who seems to embody a very stereotypical Jewish man. In reality, though, it is worth remembering that Fitzgerald portrays white Anglo-Saxon Protestants with equal distaste and that he doesn't single out the Jewish community for any specific invective. First impressions???
MEYER WOLFSHEIM The importance of this character and why he is introduced to the novel. Think about: His name What he reveals about Gatsby Your own impressions of this character How he is described His purpose and role
MEYER WOLFSHEIM Wolfsheim is shown to represent the cut-throat impersonal world of big business, where the players eat each other alive. Nick is understandably unsettled by him and his connection to Gatsby makes us question his ethics.
DAISY’ MARRIAGE TO TOM Jordan recalls her meeting with Daisy, five years previously What does she share about the backstory of Daisy and Gatsby? We have already come to see Jordan as dishonest Can we trust her? Why or why not?
DAISY’S MEN She didn’t say another word. We gave her spirits of ammonia and put ice on her forehead and hooked her back into her dress, and half an hour later, when we walked out of the room, the pearls were around her neck and the incident was over (page 76). Symbol of the pearl necklace? Symbol of the letter?
FINAL THOUGHT "Unlike Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, I had no girl whose disembodied face floated along the dark cornices and blinding signs, and so I drew up the girl beside me, tightening my arms. Her wan, scornful mouth smiled, and so I drew her up again closer, this time to my face“ (page 80).