Writing your project report
10 30 20 Indicative Structure of your Report (by Chapters) % Introduction Background &Purpose of the study. Research Problem, Research Questions, Research Objectives Significant of the study 10 2. Literature Review Evaluation of the existing body of knowledge on the topic Theoretical Framework (if applicable) demonstrate an adequate understanding of the debates in the literature on the topic Hypothesis formulation (if applicable) 30 3. Methodology Research Design Purpose of study (exploration/Description/Hypothesis Testing?), Sampling, Unit of measurement, Measurement, Data collection Method, Data Analysis Techniques Justification for choice of methods 20 4. Finding/Result Presentation & Discussion 5. Conclusion Summary of what you found out in relation to each research question Your contribution to knowledge Limitation of your research & suggestion for future research Implication of your research for practice or policy 6. References & Appendices
Abstract A short summary of the project report Main contents: Research Questions & why it were important How you go about answering RQ (methodology) Findings Conclusion Try to make it short : 300 to 500 words It must be self-contained. Provide accurate impression of the report’s contents. Precise & easy
Chapter 1: Introduction Start with general idea (introduction/background of the study), then become more specific (Problem statement) Problem statement will provide a clear idea about the central issue of your project. Research objective Significant of the study Scope of the study Operational Definitions
Chapter 2: LR Chapter 3: Methodology Discuss & Define the main concept or variable in your study Must relate directly with your research questions Provide support for hypotheses (if necessary) Chapter 3: Methodology Explain about: Research Design Sampling design Validity & Reliability Justification for technique of analysis
Chapter 4: Findings Report the facts that you discovered according to research objectives. Normally starts with profiling report (demographics) Use tables, graph (descriptive methods) Then, report the findings in accordance with the ROs Chart, Table, Statistical Result/output Narrative report (interview/observation)
Example: How to report (descriptive) Age Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent 20 - 29 9 9.8 30- 39 32 34.8 44.6 40 to 49 40 43.5 88.0 50 and above 11 12.0 100 Total 92 Table 1 illustrates that nearly one-half (44.6 percent) of the respondents are between 20 and 39 years of age. The biggest category is the 40 to 49 age bracket (43.5 percent) with the remaining 12.0 percent being over 50 years old.
Example: How to report (Descriptive) Table 2 reveals that over one-half (53.3 percent) of the respondents have school certificates. The remainder have a diploma (16.3 percent) or university degree (30.4 percent) respectively
Example: How to report (Descriptive) n Mean SD Q1Wisdom 128 1.75 0.614 Q2Respect 1.87 0.698 Q3Equal 127 2.69 0.968 Q4rulesconduct 2.02 0.835 Q5experts 1.71 0.759 Q6formalmanner 3.02 1.033
Ex: How to report- Hypothesis Testing (t-test) The result shown that the two groups of respondents (staff and students) are significantly different (t=5.232, df =84.42, p = 0.0005) with respect to Service Quality. The mean difference between staff and students was 1.05
Ex: How to report - Regression Using the enter method, a significant model emerged: F (4,101) =466.392, p < 0.0005. The model explain 94.7% of the variance. Responsiveness and professionalism were not a significant predictor, but speed and availability were
Example: Interview /open questions example of open question analysis.pdf
Chapter 5: Discussion Discuss what meaning do these findings have for Organization? Theory? Always get back to LR: see how the finding can enrich the understanding on the issue studied Research Questions Result/Finding (Chapter 4) Conclusions (Chapter 5) RQ1 What factual information did you discover? What judgements can you make