Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh, Lecturer, College of Dentistry, Majmaah University.
To understand what is life style To know conducive life styles for health To know what are life style interventions To understand the ethical issues in life style interventions.
“Life style is a way of living based on identifiable patterns of behavior, which are determined by the interplay between an individuals personal characteristics, social interactions and socioeconomic and environmental living conditions”.
The pattern of behavior are continually interpreted and tested out in different social situations and thus are not fixed and subjected to change. They are learnt through social interaction with parents, peer groups, friends or through the influence of school, mass media etc. They are subjected to change based on experience and reinterpretation.
Individual lifestyles can have a profound effect on individuals health and also the health of others. If health is to be improved by changing the individuals lifestyle, Then actions must be taken not only at the individual but also his social and living conditions which changes his behavior.
So it is important to advice optimal life styles for all people. The culture, home, age, physical ability, work environment will make living conditions more attractive, feasible and appropriate.
Lifestyle interventions must be based on co operation and full participation of the individuals and groups concerned. This demands knowledge and skill, if a wider social change is to be brought about. Steps must be taken to train people to take responsibility. The work place is one of the area which is most affected by social factors which have health and risk benefits and hence the favorable site for prevention intervention.
Those aspects of working life which have bad effects on health should be eliminated and factors which have good effect on health should be encouraged. The people must be informed of merits and demerits of various options open to them and resources should be made available to them. This requires knowledge, skills, new educational materials and methods.
1) Privacy Life style interventions in private world of the individual may itself be detrimental to health. So it is very important to take his consent and make him fully involved in taking decisions. Impositions must be avoided and individuals should choose strategies based on knowledge and information.
2) Anxiety If you raise the conscious level of the individual it may also raise the anxiety level in that individual. This is because people may discover that their behavior has bad effect on their health. And because of this anxiety it may damage the health of the individual. So your health intervention strategies should be easy to follow and acceptable for the people.
3) Confidentiality When data on lifestyles are acquired people must feel confident that their private lives will not be further exposed or misused.
4) Choices The essence of health promotion is choice. People should be free to accept or refuse your health intervention strategies. At the same time you should motivate them to accept, assume and follow their responsibilities by themselves and towards each other.