friday_update_ Site observations Whats around the site right now? What can help the site that is already there? Is development happening around the area? Is noise going to be an issue?
friday_update_ Site New apt. right next to site Existing trees can be a benefit Tire factory might be a problem Site condition is ugly to the eye and can only get better Hike trail is also a strong part of site site Ashburn building New Apt. Tire factory METRO Rail(future) Train tracks
friday_update_ New residences
friday_update_ Hike and bike trails Hike trail is on the south side of the site. park could be a hub type area for the trail Great starting point
friday_update_ Thoughts I can tell from visiting the site that it is already growing. There is much construction in progress and a lot of it is homes. The neighborhood has great potential and I need to find a wa to get the people together If the hike trail is popular then a park is a great place to have a sort of starting line for the trail While thinking of the site I am thinking where a good METRO stop location might be it needs to be accessible to the street and should have good access to the park/recycling center