To respond creatively with the most opportune, timely and efficacious means to the calls we have perceived keeping in mind the context and urgencies of our mission and the history and tradition of our Congregation (MFL 61.1)
To promote Word-centered projects and activities in our different areas of apostolate To train our collaborators along popular reading of the Bible
1. School Apostolate Pastoral Planning - Integration of the Word of God in all school activities 2. Parish Ministries’ Pastoral Planning - Strengthening the BEC Bible Sharing Groups
3. Organizing the Claretian Educators Volunteers (CEV) - Organizing volunteers from the schools for outreach services 4. BEC Leaders’ Encounter - Consolidation of the BEC leaders in the parishes for the popular reading of the Bible
To conform our lives, structures and resources with the poor To keep ourselves in contact with their situation To form a JPIC Commission.The JPIC should be present in all our projects To encourage more programs on sustainable community development with special concerns for the vulnerable sectors in our communities
1. Quezon City (North) Apostolate Collaboration - Consolidation Apostolate in the North 2. Basilan – Zamboanga – Ormoc (South) Mission Consolidation - Consolidation Apostolate in the South
3. Creation of the JPIC Commission - Setting up of the JPICC Commission in the Province level 4. JPICC Workers Assembly - Celebration of the International Day of Peace 5. Claretian Mission Month Activities - Observance of the Claretian Mission Week in every apostolate
To commit ourselves the organization of the Claretian Lay Associates for Mission To encourage Claretians to specialize in the field of communication To consolidate our efforts of youth ministry in the captured areas of our apostolate such as our schools, parishes
1. Lay Collaborators Encounter Gathering of active lay workers in our apostolates 2. Summer Youth Camp Support and expansion of the existing initiative
3. Youth Peace Camp - Active annual participation of schools/ parishes/ apostolates in the Mindanao 4. Week of Peace - Strengthen the participation
To walk in communion with persons and communities of other creeds, religions and culture especially Muslims and the indigenous communities in search for peace through reconciliation and healing
1. Mindanao Week of Peace 2. Inter-religious Dialogue and Peace Initiatives