Marking Materials Theory. Knowledge and Understanding.
MARKING KNIVES are used to cut lines on wood. test square straight lines TRY SQUARE is used to test the edge of a piece of wood to check how square it is (has it got a 90 degree angle along its length?),it is also used to mark straight lines. MARKING GAUGE is used to mark a line parallel to a straight edge. Can you name the tool and its use. Marking Wood Theory. TRY SQUARE MARKING KNIFE MARKING GAUGE
PENCILS are used for marking on wood, as errors can be easily changed. BRADAWL is used before drilling to mark the centre position of a hole. Can you name the tool and its use. Marking Wood Theory. BRADAWL PENCIL RULE RULE this is used to check and mark distances.
SCRIBER is the metal workers pencil, it is used to scratch markings on metal. test square straight lines ENGINEERS TRY SQUARE is used to test the edge of a piece of metal to check how square it is (has it got a 90 degree angle along its length?),it is also used to mark straight lines. CENTRE PUNCH is normally used to mark the centre of a hole to be drilled Can you name the tool and its use. Marking Metal Theory. SCRIBER ENGINEERS TRY SQUARE CENTRE PUNCH
Marking Plastic Theory. Can you name the tool and its use. CHINAGRAPH PENCIL CHINAGRAPH PENCIL with this type of pencil lines can be removed easily later. straight lines TRY SQUARE or an engineers try square is used to mark straight lines. TRY SQUARE