Chemistry Lab write-up Prelab To be completed before lab day Label to Data Table
Label –your name, date and hour in the upper right corner and provide an appropriate title. Title should be related to or describe the lab. Chance to be creative so as to catch the readers interest.
Purpose – In broad terms, what are we trying to show, discover or prove, in this particular lab. Think as a scientist would-What are you trying to find or discover. Read the lab through first to get a feel for what we are trying to accomplish.
Objective – A short paragraph on what you are expected to learn from the lab, in regards to chemistry. What concepts are involved? (What Mr. D. wants you to learn?)
Mr Domanski 9/16/2013 Hr. 4 The “Significance” of Measuring Density Purpose: To collect data and calculate the density of wood and water. Objective:
Materials/Method (when required) - list all materials necessary in the performance of the lab,. Then: Draw a picture of the lab setup. Include all lab apparatus. And give a brief description of the method. There should be enough detail so that a reader could repeat the procedure and obtain similar results. If a procedure is not provided - written method should be included.
Hypothesis (when appropriate) - State what you think your results will be (prior to performing the lab). Usually not necessary. Hypothesis is an educated guess and typically you have no background related to the lab.
Data - data are generally presented in a table. The table is usually constructed using either columns or rows, with each column or row labeled with appropriate headings and units. The results of calculations should not be included in your data.
Data Table This should reflect the type of data being collected. Quantitative Data: Test tube#trial 1 Mass (g) trial 2 Mass (g) 1 2 3
Qualitative Data: Should provide enough space to record short statements or descriptions rRXN RXRR W RXN # 1 2 What it looked like before the rxn.What it looked like after the rxn.
By examining the lab procedure you can determine the data needed for the lab. For example : in this lab we need to record the mass of a beaker before the addition of the liquid and again after the addition. We also need to record the buret before the start of the trial and again after the sample has been added. We need to repeat this procedure two additional times. Our data table should reflect this.
Data: liquid sample Trial123 Buret Initial(ml) Buret Final (ml) Mass before (g) Mass after (g)
wood block: Block(#)____ Length (cm) Width (cm) Height (cm) Mass (g)
Part 2: During the lab During the lab the data collected should complete the data table. Data should be written directly into the lab not yelled across the room. This implies that you should bring your lab write-up with data table right up to the buret or balance so you can record directly. Both lab partners should have a complete set of lab data before they leave the class.
Post Lab The remainder of the lab should be completed after the lab is finished. Calculations thru post lab discussion.
Calculations - when required show each step in solving, including units. Final answers should be circled with proper units. For multiple/repetitive calculations a good sample calculation is sufficient and subsequent repeat calculations only need a trial or sample number and the calculation results.
Analysis/ Results - many labs require some manipulation of data. This could take the form of questions to be answered, graphs, etc Work or answers in this area is expected to be complete and thorough.
Conclusion - this should relate back to your purpose for doing the lab. It is the answer or solution to your purpose for doing the lab. It should be short, succinct and too the point. (rarely more than a couple sentences).
Post lab discussion: This should be related to the “Objective” of the lab. A discussion of each of the points eluded to in the objective. Tell me what you learned during the performance of the lab with regards to measurement technique, and proper recording of measurements and calculations following the rules for sig. figs. the proper and appropriate use of laboratory equipment, including the buret, and centigram scale the proper way to read, carry out and write-up a chemistry laboratory.
Ancillaries: ---- Lab reports should be typed or written in blue or black ink and or dark pencil ---- Any changes or corrections should be done by drawing a single slash through the error and then writing the correction along side use a straight edge for any tables, and graph paper for any graphs ---- use both the front and back side of your paper (standard 8 1/2’ X 11” lined) and staple together any labs requiring more than one page
Proof Read Proof read your report to make certain all the essential aspects of the report are included To make certain your conclusion corresponds to your purpose. Have your partners proof read your report. ( This implies that to be a good labbie, your lab partner needs to have their report completed before the due date!)