Review for Quarter 1 Test 1 I. Base Ten Place-Value II. Exponents III. Expanded Notation IV.Estimating Whole Numbers V. Order of Operations
Estimate: 74, ,001 ≈ Answer: 70, ,000 = 200,000
Evaluate: [8 ÷ (1 + 3) x ] ÷ 6 Answer: 8
Answer: 300,000 ÷ 600 ≈ 500 Estimate: 320,176 ÷ 623 ≈
Complete the statement. Use +, -, x or ÷. Use the symbol only once. Do not use parentheses. 7 ___ 7 ___ 7 ___7 = 14 Answer: ÷ 7 x 7 = 14
10 12 = Answer: 1,000,000,000,000
35=35= Answer: 243
Estimate: 4,298 x 63 ≈ Answer: 4,000 x 60 ≈ 240,000
What is the value of the 4 in 54,907,112? Answer: 4,000,000
In the number 68,134,754,029, the 6 is in which place-value? Answer: ten billions
3,000, , = Answer: 3,006,538
(2 x 10 8 ) + (7 x 10 6 ) + (1 x 10 3 ) + (5 x 10 0 ) = Answer: 207,001,005
In 801,692,746, the zero is in which place-value? Answer: ten millions
72,009,260 written in expanded form using powers of 10 is _______ Answer: (7x10 7 )+(2 x 10 6) +(9 x 10 3 )+(2 x 10 2 )+(6 x 10 1 )
Compare. Use or =. 1) 3 3 ___ 2 5 2) 10,000 0 ____ ) 2 6 ____ 4 3 Answers: 1) < 2) < 3) =
The standard form of 3 4 and 3 -4 are ______ of each other. Answer: reciprocals
___ 3 = 343 Answer: 7
2 -- =1/64 Answer: 2 -6
The standard form of (2 x 10 7 )+(9 x 10 4 )+(1 x 10 2 )+(6 x 10 1 ) is __________ Answer: 20,090,160
Estimate: 52, ,823 ≈ Answer: 52, ,000 = 48,000
True or False: 5 4 =4 5 Explain. Answer: False. 5 4 = 5x5x5x5= = 4x4x4x4x4=1024