All about numbers More or less The “Whole” picture Dazzling decimals Please excuse who? FINAL JEOPARDY!
All about numbers More or less The “Whole” picture Dazzling decimals Please excuse who? FINAL JEOPARDY!
Write in standard form: Two thousand, two and twenty-two thousandths
What is ?
Write in words: 876,543.21
What is eight hundred seventy six thousand, five hundred forty three and twenty-one hundredths?
Place value: 289,734.04
What is ten thousands?
Place value:
What is ten-thousandths?
This is the largest two digit even number that is a multiple of 3.
What is 96?
.321 ___.26985
What is >?
87,799 __ 213,102
What is <?
(3+3) · 3 __ 3+(3 · 3)
What is >?
36³·6 __ (36³) · 6
What is =?
__ · 22
What is >?
What is 1,093?
What is 311?
34 · 73
What is 2,482?
602 14
What is 43?
23 2 · 17
What is 8,993?
12.6 9
What is 1.4?
$23.64 · 4
What is $94.56?
What is ?
15 – 2.989
What is ?
Mr. Mangham runs 5 miles in 28.7 minutes. What is his average time per mile.
What is 5.74 minutes?
43 – 2 · 12
What is 19?
What is 102?
12 2 · 2 – 3 · 4
What is 276?
2 · – 2 ÷ · 2
What is 9?
(9 – 3 2 ) · (16 – 4 2 )
What is 0?
FINAL JEOPARDY! The FINAL JEOPARDY! category is…. American Presidents Please make your wager now.
George Washington had 98 apples on his apple tree. He picked them all and sold them for $1.05 each. How much total money did President Washington make?
What is $102.90?