Sejong the Great (1397 –1450, ruled 1418– 1450) was the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea.Joseon DynastyKorea
Movember is: a ‘portmanteau’ of the words ‘November’ and ‘moustache.’
Movember is: a ‘portmanteau’ of the words ‘November’ and ‘moustache.’ an annual event, held each November, for growing moustaches.
Panayot HitovPanayot Hitov (1830 – 1918), a Bulgarian hajduk and revolutionary.
Why grow a moustache?! 1.) To raise awareness of the risks of prostate cancer.
Why grow a moustache?! 1.) To raise awareness of the risks of prostate cancer. 2.) To raise funds to support cancer research.
Verme Peloso, ( ), the dangerous Italian-born Ukrainian freedom fighter, and highly sought-after, much in- demand fashion model.
Development Movember: - started in 1999, in Adelaide, Australia;
Development Movember: - started in 1999, in Adelaide, Australia; - became more formally focused on raising awareness over health issues from 2004, when the ‘Movember Foundation’ started.
Tom Selleck, an actor on television and in movies, was born in 1945.
2004 – Prostate Cancer Health Issues
2004 – Prostate Cancer 전립선 암 Health Issues
2004 – Prostate Cancer 전립선 암 - Depression Health Issues
2004 – Prostate Cancer 전립선 암 - Depression 불경기 Health Issues
2004 – Prostate Cancer 전립선 암 - Depression 불경기 2010 – Testicular Cancer Health Issues
2004 – Prostate Cancer 전립선 암 - Depression 불경기 2010 – Testicular Cancer 고환의 암 Health Issues - Overseas
Hulk Hogan (born August 11, 1953) is an American professional wrestler, actor, television personality, and musician.professional wrestler
2010 – Leukemia 백혈병 Health Issues - Gwangju
2010 – Leukemia re: Michael Simning Gwangju citizen, born in Canada. Health Issues - Gwangju
Michael Simning and me, at the 2011 GIC Day event, October 29 th, 2011.
2010 ‘Mousers for Mike’ Three co-workers from Chosun University grew facial hair for a cause. Health Issues - Gwangju
Robert John Downey, Jr. (born April 4, 1965) is an American actor.
Early Birds - Awareness of Movember
Early Birds Who Would Date a Moustache Wearer
Recorded Surveys