The Way you See Them Is The Way You Treat them is the Way They Become Presented by The Clovis Municipal Schools Title I Family Services Program Social Workers Sylvia Montaño, Jose Moreno, Raymond Beachum, Carol Gonzales Home Liaisons Jane Gonzales, Diana McGhee, Mary Helen Urioste, Sonya Cass
Family Services The Family Services Program provides centralized access to an array of programs and community resources for the students in our district and their families. Through the utilization of 4 social workers and 4 home liaisons and the collaborative efforts of the families, schools and community, we are able to design and implement strategies that effectively meet family needs and utilize community resources more efficiently. The goal of the program is not to simply treat the problem but to empower students and their families to create long term- solutions for the challenges and conditions encountered in their daily lives.
Referral Process The school staff and local community agencies may refer the student/family to the school principal. The school principal or counselor may refer students/families to the Family Services staff (FSS) assigned to their school. The referral may be given over the phone to that person.
Referral Process An FSS person will make a home visit and conduct an informal assessment. The FSS, together with the family, will create a plan based on their needs. The FSS staff will contact individually or bring together personnel, agencies, responsible for the delivery of services needed by the family.
Referral Process The FSS will assist the family in scheduling appointments for services. The FSS will monitor the family and agencies to ensure both parties follow through with services and commitments. The FSS will monitor the progress of each family. Together with the family, they will determine the appropriate time for exiting the program.
The Role of Family Services “Our prime purpose in life is to help others and if you can’t help them at least don’t hurt them.” Dalai Lama
A Family Centered Model What It Is Not We do not asses marital relationships, family dynamics, family stress or dysfunctional patterns or any other aspects of the family system within that scope. What It Is It does mean assessing child and family strengths and capabilities related to meeting those needs. Locate formal and informal supports and resources Assist families in identifying their strengths and capabilities to obtain required resources in ways that strengthen family functioning. Dunst, Trivette, Deal,
Home Influence No matter how effective public schools are, their influence is small compared to the influence a child’s home has on his or her personal success and development.
Family Leadership Parental/Family Leadership is key to a child’s well-being. Parents/Families are not only their first child’s teacher, but are also an ongoing teacher and lifelong influence. All families have existing strengths, and capabilities. James Vopat & Dunst, Trivette & Deal
Parents in Need Parents without adequate resources often feel overwhelmed. Families suffering from economic stress must address their own needs for food clothing, and shelter before they can clearly see to become more involved in their children’s education.
Values and Beliefs of the Family Strength Perspective Families deserve respect. Families have wisdom and solutions. It is our strengths that ultimately resolve issues of concern. It is important to set up opportunities in our schools that allow us to show our strengths.
PEOPLE GAIN A SENSE OF HOPE WHEN THEY ARE LISTENED TO. People are more inclined to listen to others if they are listened to. OPTIONS ARE PREFERABLE TO ADVICE. ADVICE IS BASICALLY DISRESPECTFUL. Options provide choices. Choices empower, Advice dis- empowers.
EMPOWERING PEOPLE is preferable to controlling them. A CONSULTANT IS MORE HELPFUL TO PEOPLE THAN A BOSS. It is important to remember that we work with and for the family; the family does not work for us.
Discovering & Building On Strengths Looking for the good. Listening and connecting with their pain Looking at a crisis as an opportunity to grow. Going to the place of their strength. Attention to others. Moving at the pace of others.
Courage to be vulnerable. Facing our own humanness. Giving credit. Not giving up on people.
The Art of Relationship Building Engender hope Use self-disclosure Demonstrate warmth and emphasize positive motivation Communicate the attitude that the families problem is of real importance.. Convey sensitivity to the family’s feelings.
Match pace of speech Confirm person’s experience of an event. Attempt to improve family members’ self esteem by eliciting responses from all and making positive comments about each member. Demonstrate a good sense of humor. Demonstrate awareness of cultural strengths and differences. Avoid disempowering (doing for rather than with) Focus on persons own dreams and goals.
Our Programs and Services Home visits Food and clothing Shelter Utility assistance resources Housing Transportation Medical and Dental resources
Our Programs and Services Furniture Parenting classes School supplies Mental health referrals Child care Recreation
ENLACE Family Leadership Institute (FLI) Tutoring and Mentoring Program Higher Education Program Connections to CCC, ENMU, NMSU
Our Programs and Services Family Literacy Program Migrant Education Program McKinney-Vento Program English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes
Closing Thoughts A leader is best when people barely know he exist, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: We did it ourselves. LAO TZU