A Recent Recipient’s perspective on getting a CAREER Award Yaling Liu
Know which program you are going to submit Choose a program is important Talk to your program manager to see if it fit Might tell you no, point to some existing work Even yes, check recently awarded grants to see their preference Some program are more flooded than others Send with abstract, wait for a few day, if no response, call
Serve on panel review Volunteer for panel review or ask senior faculty to refer Send with your bio to PM : they need reviewers Know the program and program manager Could sneak out to talk with other PMs in panel review breaks The panel member might be on your CAREER panel
Prepare supporting letters earlier Reviewer wants to see details Outreach: which school? Any letter from teacher? Any pictures from previous activities? Any supporting letter from collaborator?
Difference with regular grant 5 Year vs 3 year : more comprehensive goal/plan More outreach/education component : be specific and correlate to your research topic
Proof read Ask senior faculty for help in proof read Ask you collaborator to help read Ask someone out of your area to see if they can understand