1 Pasco County Strategic Plan and Budget Overview
Pasco is Growing 2 12 th Largest County in the State (464,697) 6 th Largest Unincorporated Jurisdiction (424,912) Hillsborough (2 nd ) Polk (8 th) Pinellas (11 th ) 51 st in Per Capita County Government Property Tax Levies (Florida TaxWatch, September 2011)
We are changing… 3 Projected to reach ¾ of a million residents by 2025! Increase in Average Household Size from 2.3 to 2.42 28.3 % increase in the number of families Average age decreased from 44.9 to Educational attainment of a Bachelor’s Degree or higher increased from 13.1% to 21.1%
Create a Thriving Community Promote Redevelopment Maintain Public Infrastructure Multi Modal Transportation Network Develop Pasco’s identity 5
Enhance Quality of Life Deliver Essential Services Safe and Secure Community Cultural, Social and Recreational Natural Resources 6
Stimulate Economic Growth Attract & Develop Workforce Increase Pasco Employers A Great Place for Business Healthy Financial Environment 7
Improve Organizational Performance Performance Improvement Culture Fact based decision making Deliver Services Quality Workforce 8
10 Property Values Declining 32%
Property Values Declined 32% ($9,405,702,644) General Fund Property Tax Down 20% ($32,132,164) Implemented LEAP (Lean, Efficient, Accountable Pasco) Cut 234 Positions Laid off 180 Employees 11 Four Years of Budget Cutting
Impact on County Departments 12
13 Board has the Reduced Tax Rate
Total Budget of $ 1,155,431,672. 2 of the 79 funds are Ad valorem (property tax) funded and comprise 15% of the budget. Most of the remainder are funded through special revenue or user fees. 14
17 55% of Property Taxes Go To Sheriff
Increase in millage covers: 4 Business Plan initiatives Mandated increase to the retirement rate contributions (for all BCC and Constitutionals) Wage adjustment (3% for all BCC and Constitutionals except Fire which is budgeted at 1.5%) Additional Constitutional Officer requests Reductions in excess fees returned Investments in public safety Consolidated communications center (911) Opening of the third floor of the Land O' Lakes Jail Miscellaneous Sheriff expenditures 18
Millage Calculation Assumptions: Assessed taxable value: $100,000 Exemptions of $50,000 Proposed Millage Effects Operating millage - increase of ~$24/year Municipal Fire Service millage – increase of ~$9/year Combined effect – increase of ~$33/year
21 How Do We Compare?
Questions? Michele Baker