Nations: Conflict and Interaction
Conflict A fight or a battle A disagreement
Alliance The agreement made to join or come together for some purpose I agree to protect you if your in trouble I agree to protect you if you’re in trouble
Trade Buying and selling; trade between nations
Embargo The banning of trade with a country TRADE My country will not trade with your country until you do what we want you to do. My country will think about it. $$ goods
Treaty An agreement between 2 or more nations that has to do with trade or cooperation (peace treaty)
Privateers A private ships authorized by a nation to attack its enemies during the 1500s-1800s Famous Privateers: Sir Francis Drake Sir Walter Raleigh
Spanish Armada A huge group of Spanish warships defeated by England in 1588 Take that Spain! Curse you England!
What led to this conflict between Spain and England? King Phillip of Spain wanted England and the rest of Europe to be Catholic. Queen Elizabeth of England sent privateers out into the seas to attack Spanish ships for treasures. King Phillip didn’t like this and gathered his Spanish Armada to invade England and overthrow Queen Elizabeth. King Phillip failed. England’s faster ships defeated the Spanish Armada in a huge battle.
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