Multilevel Modeling Programs David A. Kenny January 23, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Multilevel Modeling Programs David A. Kenny January 23, 2014

Presumed Background Multilevel Modeling Nested

Example  Kashy (1991) Study of Gender and Intimacy  respondents completed a survey each night for two weeks  outcome is the average intimacy rating of each interaction partner(from 1 to 7, bigger numbers more intimacy)  Levels  level 1: intimacy of the interaction (1-7), partner gender (-1=male; 1=female)  level 2: respondent gender (-1=male; 1=female) 3


Syntax MIXED intimacy WITH resp_gender partner_gender /FIXED = resp_gender partner_gender resp_gender*partner_gender /PRINT = SOLUTION TESTCOV /RANDOM INTERCEPT partner_gender | SUBJECT(id) COVTYPE(UNR). 5

Random Effects 6

Example: Fixed Effects 7

Output from Other Programs HLM SAS R: lmer MLwiN not included: Stata 8

9 HLM: Formulation

10 HLM


12 SAS: Output

library(foreign);library(lme4);library(lmerTest) ifilename="c:/kashy.sav" OrDa = read.spss (ifilename,use.value.labels=FALSE,max.value.labels=Inf, OrDa$int= OrDa$resp_gender*OrDa$partner_gender model <- lmer(intimacy ~ 1 + resp_gender + partner_gender + int + (partner_gender|id), data=OrDa) modelA <- lmer(intimacy ~ 1 + resp_gender + partner_gender + int + ((1)|id) + (0+partner_gender|id), data=OrDa) modelB <- lmer(intimacy ~ 1 + resp_gender + partner_gender + int + ((1)|id), data=OrDa) model anova(model) anova(model,modelB) anova(modelA,modelB) 13 R: lmer

14 REML criterion at convergence: Random effects: Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr id (Intercept) partner_gender Residual Analysis of Variance Table of type 3 with Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Denom Pr(>F) resp_gender * partner_gender int *** --- Df logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq) object R: lmer

15 MLwiN

16 More Webinars References Growth Curve Repeated Measures Two-Intercept Model Crossed Design Other Topics