11 NTNUs Mentor Programme for female researchers Svandís Benediktsdóttir Gender Opportunity Advisor Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim eument-net European Network of Mentoring Programme February, Lausanne, Switzerland Mentorprogramme at NTNU
22 Mentor Programme Since 2003 Mentors (Professors, Women and Men) Mentees (Women Doctoral Students, Post Doctors, and Associate Professors ) 15 Pairs (Mentor and Mentees) Duration, The Academic Year 270 persons have participated until now Project Leader Svandís Beneditksdóttir
33 NTNUs goal of the mentoring programmes Organise a dialog meeting between mentor for exchanging of challenges and ideas about the academic culture Make visible and increase the knowledge about the qualification of our female researchers Organise networking for female researchers
44 Procedure for the matching process Project leader and member of the Equal Opportunity Committee match mentor and mentee Multidisciplinary matching, mentor and mentee from quite different department To prevent duty of loyalty conflict To keep the main focus on carrier, not profession
55 Pair Examples Mentees Departments Energy and Process Biology Social Medisin Cultural Studies Architecture Cancer Research Civil Engineering Material Technology Mentors Departments Modern Foreign Langagues History and Classical Studies Archeology Chemistry Laboratory Medicine Material Technology Neuromedicine Sociology and Political Science
66 Activities Start-Up Meeting in August 2009 Dialog meeting between mentees and mentor each month Network meeting for mentees each month Seminar for mentors about their role at the beginning of the program Mentor meeting with the project leader about the process in February Programme evaluation and closing meeting in June 2010
77 A ctivities at network meetings for mentees each month Examples: Strategies for dealing with academic hierarchy and authority persons Presentation skills EU projects Writing courses Intellectual property Patenting Authorship Copyright
88 Experience….. Dialog between mentor and mentees has worked well Coupling across fields of study has worked quite well Mentees received support, the support gave strength Mutual benefits to mentees and mentor Network meetings highly appreciated by mentees
99 Experiences from mentee about the dialog with mentor “ It is very important to have a mentor from other department to be able to discuss difficulties at your own department “They give us access to ”hidden knowledge” in academia The dialog between mentor and mentee continues after closing the mentor programme for many
10 Concluding Remarks The success of the mentor programme is the good conversation between mentees and mentor Networking activities are highly appreciated among female researchers Networks continue to exist after closing mentor programs Evaluation confirms positive results The combination of multidisciplinary mentoring and networking is a great success!
11 Thank you for your attention!