Reproductive System Michelle Boyken Margaret Huffines Devan Daugherty Alyssa Henson
What Is Reproduction? The natural process among organisms by which new individuals are generated ▫Purpose is to ensure the survival of species and pass on our own genetic identity
Types of Reproduction AsexualSexual creation of offspring from a single person ▫does not involve the joining of gametes involves the joining of gametes ▫allows a person to be unique with their own special characteristics and traits
Types of Fertilization InternalExternal Sperm fertilizes egg within the female ▫Oviparity- egg laid outside the female body ▫ovoviparity- egg is held within the female ▫viviparity- development within the female is followed by live birth Release of both sperm and eggs into an external environment ▫sperm will fertilize the egg outside of the organism
Female Anatomy Fallopian tube- tubes connecting the ovaries to the uterus ▫carry eggs from ovaries to uterus for fertilization Ovaries- small, oval-shaped glands on both sides of uterus. ▫produce eggs and hormones Uterus (womb)- home for developing fetus Vagina- canal that joins cervix to the outside of the body. ▫Also called the birth canal
Female Anatomy Cont. Cervix- narrow necklike passage forming the lower end of the uterus Myometrium- the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus Endometrium- mucous membrane lining the uterus. ▫thickens during the menstrual cycle in preparation for possible implantation of an embryo
Male Anatomy Penis- male organ for sexual intercourse. Scrotum- loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind the penis. Testicles- oval organs that lie in the scrotum, secured at either end by a structure called spermatic cord. Urethra- tube that carries urine from bladder to the outside of the body
Meiosis special type of cell division necessary for sexual reproduction in eukaryotes, such as animals, plants and fungi ▫Number of sets of chromosomes undergoing meiosis is ½ the original # 2 sets- diploid and haploid ▫Cells produced by meiosis are gametes called sperm in males; egg cells in females ▫B/c meiosis halved the # of sets of chromosomes, when the 2 gametes fuse during fertilization, # of sets of chromosomes in resulting zygote is restored to original #
Reproductive Cycles MenstrualEstrous Humans & Primates ▫prepares and releases the egg for fertilization ▫prepares the uterus to receive a fertilized egg ▫can be sexually active even when not ovulating Other mammals ▫no menstruating ▫usually lasts until death ▫sometimes have bloody discharge mistaken for menstruation ▫usually only sexually active during estrous phase of their cycle
Terms Regeneration: ▫growth of lost or destroyed parts or organs Parthenogenesis: ▫a type of reproduction, occurring in some insects and flowers, in which the unfertilized ovum develops directly into a new individual Hermaphroditism: ▫ an individual animal or flower that has both male and female reproductive organs Peromone: ▫chemical that is secreted by an animal, especially an insect, and that influences the behavior or development of others of the same species
Spermatheca holding place in females for sperm ▫allows females to produce offspring when it’s best for them and without needed to mate at that moment ▫allows the female to choose the sperm she prefers for the characteristics she desires ▫makes reproducing easier when organisms are scattered across an environment
Embryos An unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development Eutherian mammals: ▫embryo of placental mammal develops in the mother’s uterus for longer gestational period than the embryo of a marsupial Marsupial: ▫born sooner than a placental mammal ▫less developed than a placental mammal ▫newborn marsupial must continue its development in a mother’s pouch
Importance of Mammary Glands Produce the mother’s milk to nurture their young (breasts) ▫the children need their mother’s milk to survive until they are able to eat the typical food their species consumes
Vasocongestion and Myotonia VasocongestionMyotonia filling of a tissue with bloodincreased muscle tension Vasocongestion and myotonia occurring in men causes erections In women, external changes cause clitoris to become erect by vasocongestion. Nipples become erect because of myotonia.
Foreign Body A woman’s body doesn’t reject an embryo as a foreign body ▫The pathway required for the immune system to attack the embryo is shut off
Characteristics of Semen That Help In Survival Inside of vagina is very acidic and hostile Seminal Plasma- ▫contains organic & inorganic substances ▫provides nutrients & protection as semen travels through female ▫alkaline bases in seminal plasma are what counteracts and compensates for the acids inside the vagina Bulb urethral Glands- creates a less vicious channel for sperm cells to swim through ▫also contributes to the texture of semen