Growth in China’s Domestic Meat Consumption and Implications for Trade USDA Outlook Forum February 24, 2012
China’s Land Use Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2010 Most of China’s Land is Non-Arable Desert, Dry Savanna & Mountains
China’s Land Use: Limited Arable Land – Even in Beijing
China’s Water Situation Map of China’s Surface Water Resources Source: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 1999
Will Chinese Plant Breeders Meet Food Security Challenge? Source: USDA/FAS MT/HA
China : Current Estimated Structure of Producing Units Percent of total hogs marketed by producer size: hd. per year Shrinking Growing
China's Expanding Middle Class Source: Global Insight’s Global Consumer Markets Service & FAS China Forecast WTO Accession
China : Foodservice Receipts RMB billion Source: National Bureau of Statistics PRC 2009 receipts roughly equal to Japan’s; ½ the USA level; 2010 growth 15-20%.