Understanding Islam Gulten Ilhan
Seeking Knowledge for One Hour Is Better Than Praying for Seventy Years.
What Islam is not: Islam is not Muhammadanism – a.inaccurate – b.offensive
What is Islam? “submission” Arabic root “s-l-m” like Hebrew cognate “s- h-l-m” means “peace” “Witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of God” Those who submit, who surrender to the will of God, are known as Muslims
MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD TODAY There are 1.2 Billion Muslims 18% of the Muslims live in the Middle East Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country There are 7 Million Muslims in the USA Islam came to USA in the 18 th Century with the slavery
Allah Arabic word for God al: the definite article “the” ilah: god, deity
Similarities of Islam, Christianity & Judaism Monotheism Hereafter / Day of Judgment Prophets Angelical World Children of Abraham People of Book Works of charity Prayers Fasting Dietary rules
Dimensions of Islam I. Doctrinal – Faith in the Unity of God – Faith in the God’s Angels – Faith in the Books of God The Torah of Moses The Zaboor of David The Injeel of Jesus Christ The Quran of Muhammad
Doctrinal Faith in God’s Prophets Faith in life after death Faith in God’s knowledge
III. Ethical: Law (Sharia) – a.the Quran – b. the Sunna – c. the Ijma – d. through analogy from the first three sources
Human Rights Right of Faith: – To choose religion – To practice freely “Let there be no compulsion in Religion” Surah Baqara 2:256 Right to Life: – Regardless of belief, every soul has the right to life. No one should take another’s life. If you kill one soul, you kill all mankind, If you save one soul, you save all mankind Surah Al Maida 5:32
Human Rights Right of Property: – Whatever you earn in a legal and lawful way is yours – No gambling, usery, stealing or robbery Allah is pure and HE loves the Pure – Anyone who is killed while protecting their property is a martyr Hadith Right of our body and mind: – Intellect, protect our brain – Drugs and Alcohol are forbidden.
Human Rights Protection of Family: – Islam forbade any relationship outside of marriage Surah Al Nur 24:2 Family Community Nation: – A strong healthy nation stems from a solid family consisting of a father, mother, sister, daughter, brother, son and an extended family.
Jihad Means Struggle A.Internal B.Societal C.Combative